selfie ERIC KIM

The Hierarchy of Credence

Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but not all opinions are of equal worth, weight. There is a hierarchy of opinion.

Should we trust experts?

Depends. Is the ‘expert’ someone who just has more experience than you? Or are they just an empty suit, or an empty person?

blue abstract ERIC KIM

For example–

If you want to get into powerlifting, should you trust the opinion of the guy who can deadlift 650 pounds or the guy who can barely lift 135 pounds?


Credence— belief. it essentially means “Where to put your heart”, or [whom] to give your heart to (heart as a metaphor for faith).

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What books NOT to read

blue abstract nude ERIC KIM

Generally speaking, don’t read books by commentators. Better to read books by doers.

For example, better to trust Peter Thiel’s “Zero to One” (he actually co-founded PayPal, Palantir, etc) than a random ‘Businessweek’ “analyst” who has never done real-life business.

Similar thought to entrepreneurship. Put more faith in what Steve Jobs or Elon Musk has to say than a random (anonymous) YouTube commenter.

black and white ERIC KIM selfie

It is just a filter

I am a skeptic. I taught this myself. Why? The downside of my mom– too gullible. Downside of my dad, didn’t trust nobody. We need to trust *some* people, not everyone.



In life, be skeptical. Put more faith in doers than commentators who have no ‘skin in the game’.

Also for ourselves … we should first DO, then experiment, THEN write and philosophize about it after!

First do, then philosophize.