How Much *Should* I Eat?

How do you know if you’re eating too much or little? My thoughts:

How I’m eating right now

  • Food

Currently fasting during day. No breakfast or lunch. First meal of the day is 6pm. When I break my fast, I eat as much meat as I want until I get full. Nowadays typically around 3-3.5 pounds of meat — beef, chicken, or pork.

Working out

During the day I do lots of body weight exercises, walk a lot, and do weighted workouts.

During the day I also drink lots of black coffee (no sugar, cream) and lots of water. Also sometimes 100% cocoa powder, or cocoa nibs to extend my fast.

Will this make me fat?

It seems I’ve discovered a new elixir of life—

Intermittent fasting during the day, and a no carb/sugar diet— heavy in meats.

It seems this is the secret of both maximizing muscle mass gain (Hypertrophy) and also accelerating fat loss (adipose tissue).

What about supplements and protein powders?

Truth be told, I think protein powder and supplements are a scam. Better to eat meat than eat protein powder (far more delicious, cheaper, and better to maximize gains by eating more meat). Supplements — another scam.

But the thing is — those who produce the supplements and protein powders believe in their efficacy by 100%. Because it sounds more “scientific”. So I don’t think the industry is trying to scam you — they’re just misled.

What about roids?

  • side selfie ERIC KIM muscle flex 00030-resized
  • side face selfie ERIC KIM muscle flex 00026-resized
  • Flex front

No moral issues against steroids, human growth hormone, testosterone injections, etc. I’m just concerned about the (real) side effects. Not being able to get a boner without injections? Seems like a sucker trade.

What is hyper-trophy?

Etymology – it means “over-nutrition”. Thus to make your muscles bigger, you gotta eat more meat. You don’t need sugar, carbs, protein powder, sugar, etc. I’ve also deadlifted 455 pounds while fasted (powerlifting while fasting), with excellent results.

My suggestions

  1. Don’t eat breakfast or lunch. Break your fast around 6pm, or when the sun goes down. Then for your massive dinner, eat as much fatty meat you want until you’re full. Don’t “over-eat” and force feed yourself to eat more. Don’t eat starch, sugar, carbs, fruit, starchy root veggies, etc.