selfie foot


I’ve always been curious about the ‘day of the life’ of other people. Here is my attempt to share my life:

My morning routine

My morning routine is pretty standard. Wake up, take an icy-cold shower [I’ve been a cold-shower devotee the last 6 years or so… highly recommend it], have a cup of coffee [I like the ‘Clever Dripper’], and get to work.

Generally when I think of work I do:

  • Write
  • Blog
  • Look at photos and analyze them
  • Read
  • etc

I never structure my day

You read all these nerds telling you that you gotta ‘have a plan’ and have ‘structure’ in your day. I think this is all nonsense. Better let your own inner-beast dictate your day, than have your schedule dictate your day!

The gladiator makes his plans once he enters the ring. – Publilius Syrus

I never force myself to be ‘productive’

Another irony:

I am actually MORE productive when I don’t force myself to be productive.

Why this paradox? My theory:

When you don’t feel an external pressure to COERCE you into doing ‘work’, you’re more likely to do what you REALLY care about … your own inner-dictated work.

What SHOULD you work on?

This is where we need philosophy. Philosophy tells us what is WORTHY for us to work on, and what isn’t.


SO — what should we work on? This is up to you.