My Critique of Google

My critique of Google: how sneaky it feels. How it desires to “nudge” you in a certain way; seeming like some friend, but actually an insanely addictive algorithm which gives you exactly what you want (like a rat and pez dispenser of cocaine). Not only that, but Google as an unaesthetic advertising platform.

Of course Google has benefitted humanity 1000x more than it has hurt it, yet my simple suggestion:

Subtract things from your life that you don’t like from technology or Google.

For example, I no longer use Google Chrome (after being a die-hard user since the beginning). Why not? Too much cross-platform tracking, and I don’t like being reminded I’m logged into Google/Chrome in the top right corner. Also, in mobile the “Suggested content” thing at the bottom of the Chrome mobile browser is insanely distracting.

Also, because Google knows my search history, it knows exactly what I want, which is a bit dangerous, because it distracts me infinitely. I like Elon Musk and Tesla, but getting fed articles all the time on some contraversial and distracting point doesn’t add value to my life.

Are there any more visionaries at Google?

Sergey and Larry were visionaries, pioneers, and the true soul behind Google. The fun, colorful, academic-approach is from them two. But now they’re more focused on other pursuits, it seems Google is just becoming another Microsoft: corporate, cold, and soulless.

Critique of Android

Apps drawer for Pixel. You cannot get rid of the Google search bar on top.

I love Android, and the open source notion. But the problem now with Android, especially with the Google Pixel:

There is so much you CANNOT customize with the default Google Pixel launcher, unless you install some third party app or launcher.

For example, in the Pixel, you swipe left and you have this insanely distracting feed of all this stuff, which is actually very accurately tailored to you, but insanely addicting.

Also, there are ten trillion Google search bars all around, which is aesthetically unpleasing, and seems to scream:

Give me more of your interests and browsing behavior!

Now, a lot of these things won’t bother people; but it bothers me. Also, I am suspicious and a bit concerned about all these billions of people who are using Google without knowing they’re being subtly tweaked to think, behave and act a certain way.

When you swipe from bottom. You cannot change the app drawer on bottom or the Google search bar. Having the Google search bar always visible when you’re switching apps is insanely distracting.

Simple suggestions

Post processing for Google Photos on Google Pixel. Very good integration with Google Photos app

It ain’t so bad! My simple idea:

The future is gonna be this: an advertising-driven (spammy) platform for the poor masses, and a clean and ad-free existence for the rich and tech elite.

Even consider now, how all these people watch YouTube advertisements (this is insane to me). But consider all the people who got enough money to buy YouTube Red to get rid of the ads, or have enough money for a streaming service like Netflix to bypass the ads for a cleaner experience.

Android vs iPhone

Even now; you can get an insanely good and capable Google Pixel phone for sub-$300 which is insanely capable and great. But the catch? All the subtle and sneaky information-gathering things baked into it (designed to eventually serve you more specific advertising).

On the other hand the iPhone: more expensive, beautiful, and a cleaner and more zen user interface. But even Apple is starting to pollute its own ecosystem, even allowing for sponsored advertising in their App store, something I found very distasteful.

Root your Android

It seems if you really like Android or open source, rooting (jailbreaking) your phone or device seems the way to go. For example I rooted my old Samsung phone and am currently running “Lineage OS” on it, which is a much more lightweight and clean experience, but is still a bit buggy.

Better to trust Apple

Motives are clear. Google wants to distract you and serve you more advertisements for you to click on, and buy more products. Apple wants you to buy more Apple products. But at least Apple doesn’t care to distract me.

Considering that I prize my focus, concentration, and anti-distraction as much as possible, I have far more faith, respect, and loyalty to Apple than Google.

Become a little more suspicious

Avoid thinking of Google (or any tech company) as a benevolent platform solely devoted for the betterment of humanity. Google of course is an insanely useful utility, but remember; the true ultimate goal for Google is to maximize money earnings, to increase its stock for its shareholders, and to continue to grow.


Thus it is simple with Google:

Use the parts of Google you like, and don’t use the parts of Google you don’t like.