Back muscle

The Quest to become Hyper- Human

My personal life goal:

To become hyper-human.

What does this mean?

  1. Hyper-human in terms of loftiness of mind.
  2. Hyper-human in terms of insanely overflowing physical, mental, and artistic strength.
  3. Extreme artistic productivity and prolific ness

How to achieve this?

  • Back muscle
  1. Extreme weight lifting. Extreme meat-eating.
  2. Pushing everyday to the upper-limit— living life at the edge.
  3. Not being distracted by petty matters— to value and prioritize your own personal self-development and growth above everything else.
  4. Treating yourself as a life experiment. Subject yourself to all the most interesting tests and feats of strength for yourself.
  5. Extreme sleep and recovery: To perform at this level, prizing sleep, rest, naps, recovery, strength augmentation, massage, acupuncture to make you hyper-healthy.