7 Simple Photography Tips

Practical photo thoughts:

  1. Start an ‘everyday’ photo project using your “standalone digital camera”. Keep your iPhone or smartphone in your backpack or bag, and keep your camera always with you. Anything you might shoot with your iPhone, just shoot it on your standalone digital camera. Stop photographing your food with your iPhone, instead, use your RICOH GR III to photograph your food. Shoot “high quality” photos of your everyday life.
  2. When you got nothing to photograph, shoot a selfie, photograph your feet, your hand, or photograph the sky.
  3. If you need photo inspiration, just visit the local coffee shop (with your camera around your neck or wrist), have a strong cup of coffee, and just photograph people inside the coffee shop! Also, make photos ON THE WAY to the coffee shop (more ideas in STREET HUNT MOBILE edition in STREET HUNT PRINT edition).
  4. Photograph interesting textures, reflections, or shadows you see.
  5. Strive to make the most extremely minimalist photos. Pure and clean white or black background with only one subject.
  6. Whenever you see the color red, photograph it! Make a “RED” photo project of only red objects and scenes (RED as the color of blood, lust, and desire).
  7. For photography composition study ideas, study Henri Cartier-BressonJosef Koudelka, and Helmut Newton.

And the ultimate tip:

When in doubt, just shoot it!


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