Abstract grit

What do you want to express?

Art — the act of expressing something from the deepest recesses of your soul outwards.

But the question is— what do you want to express from within you, outwards?

Express your thoughts

For me writing is merely a means for me to express my thoughts. I don’t think I’m a good writer, nor do I even consider myself a “writer”. The label never interested me much, as I just like to share ideas. Perhaps I’m an “ideator”who uses the written medium to express my thoughts.

Why I prefer writing above all

For myself, I like to write (even more than talking on video or recording myself) because there is a different cadence to my rhythm of thinking and expressing, and also more peaceful contemplation which comes with writing.

But the goal isn’t to write for the sake of writing (the bias within the sphere of “writing”). Perhaps photography should also be the same: we make photos to express something about ourselves, what we experience, or what we see. We don’t just photograph for the sake of it— we photograph for some higher purpose.

Why I prefer photography over video or film

  • Leaf
  • Berlin, 2019 // RICOH GR III
  • Berlin, 2019 — original photo

I’ve dabbled in video and film, and I still very much enjoy it. But there is still some majestic quality to the immediacy of a photograph. Perhaps it is because you can perceive the artistry in a photograph instantly, and also a single still photograph has a certain fixed and intentional composition. But then again, a hybrid form of expression I like is the animated GIF (making gif from my videos).

There is no such thing as “bad” or “good” self-expression

As an artist, it is your duty to clearly communicate what you see, feel, and experience with others. Whatever medium you use for your artwork is up to you!