Imperfect is Perfect

Free photography tips on ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER >

An encouraging idea to start this week:Whatever ‘imperfect’ art you make is perfect!

What I mean is this:

In our lives, we are often discouraged to create artwork because we think:

If my artwork isn’t “good”, it isn’t worth doing.

However this is my thought:

It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad, just make it!

The fact that YOU made it makes it legitimate and good!

A world without children

downtown la street photography

Imagine if we didn’t give birth to any children because we thought:

“My kids will probably be no good.”

Our artworks are like our children. We don’t make artwork hoping that it will somehow be amazing — we make artwork because it is our desire to! Same with having children — we don’t have children hoping they will be the most amazing children, we have children because our ego and our will desires it!

Where is the best place to share my photos?

umma Anna mom

The best place to share your photos is on your own website and blog. I encourage you to create your own website-domain via bluehost.comor 1and1.comand installing the ‘‘ platform. Then start sharing your photos there!

If you want honest feedback on your photos, upload them to arsbeta.comand also start giving honest critiques to the photos of others!

downtown la


Worthy of you, worthy of them. 

Extend your creative powers, and let your art shower. Let your works tower over you and come into full bloom. 

Exhume your creative spirit, clear and livid. Fly high with praise, all of your days. 

Keep making art, all you must do is start. 


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