How to Improve Your Photography Composition

Pragmatic tips:

1. Lower angle, dynamic, head-on composition

When photographing people or your loved ones, get close to your subject (28mm, or default iPhone wide angle setting), get low to the ground, and shoot quite head-on, to get an engaging and dynamic perspective.

2. Symmetry, leading lines, top and bottom heavy

Put an element on the utmost part of the frame and the bottom, and keep it symmetrical and balanced.

3. Sketch and draw out your compositions which you like

When you create a composition you like, sketch it using Procreate or any other phone app (or do it with pen and paper). This will help you better internalize and understand your compositions.

4. Visual shapes, forms, colors, and proportions

5. Experiment with distances and proportions of the same scene while you’re shooting it.

Always shoot multiple compositions of the same scene, and every photo you shoot get closer, and experiment with different compositions.

Figure out the best composition as you go, and select which you deem is the best composition once you get home!

6. Triangle composition

When you have three subjects in a scene, arrange them in a triangle composition.

7. Diagonal

Diagonal composition mixed with a triangle.

Note the strong diagonal composition with Cindy’s face and arm, which also connects as a triangle with her body.