Processed with VSCO with a6 preset. Shot with Pixel 3, zoomed in.

All Day Photography

Don’t just strive to shoot every day; strive to shoot ALL DAY!

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You got 24 hours in a day. Obviously you can’t shoot photos while you’re sleeping, but you have infinite other opportunities during the day.

Cindy home

Shoot inside the house. Shoot your morning coffee. Shoot things you see at the gym. Shoot at the mall, park, or when you’re out eating.

Shoot anything and everything.

Use your iPhone, Android/Pixel phone, RICOH GR II x ERIC KIM STRAP, or whatever camera is convenient for you.

Edit and process your photos

Shot on Samsung phone with monochrome preset Dots bubble rain drops macro
Shot monochrome mode on Samsung Galaxy Phone

Photography isn’t just shooting. You must also edit (select) and process your photos.

You must also constantly curate and organize your photos.

Also you’re always publishing your photos; either print, online, or on your own website or blog.

As a photographer, you’re constantly in a state of becoming. Which means, you are a different photographer right now, than you were this morning or yesterday.

Stay hungry, and keep shooting. Keep learning more photography. Keep studying the masters, and also integrate new methods and technologies.

Never stop enjoying the eternal recurrence in photography, life, and art!