

Union, monetary union

Tall dark and handsome



Move billions every milli second

Digital books, digital education *

Digital form of capital

24/7 365 , still utility



Carte Blanche Capital


Stuff rusts, fire, mayor


Chaos & Entropy in the real world

Escape chaos and entropy in the real world


Volatility is a feature not a bug!

Sculpture, fashion it into a flywheel , 60 vol

60 rpm, volatility is energy

$45B in Bitcoin, 90 vol

Makes 100 billion options market

I can sell the volatility, 150% interest

If it doesn’t go to 0 in next 3 months, I’m getting rich


Most valuable thing in the world!


People stupider than you, richer than you


Why does water flow downhill ?

Appreciate in a volatile volume

60% volatile or not?

100$B market cap

Because people

Where’s the opportunity in it?


Natural selection

If you like money

Risk taking vs volatility taking seeking

Risk seeking vs volatility seeking


They don’t need help

Natural characteristic of a life form, it is alive and volatile


Capital is not toxic!

Capital is Virtuous ***

Why would you give away your capital?

Why are they desperate to get rid of the money?

You get to keep the money


$500b in capital

Half a trillion dollars


Need to know basis


1, 2, 3–> MSFT


Happy life