More dynamic, less dynamic?

Money and speech is the same thing



Bank account in the cloud


Not even the NSA could do

Bounty on Bitcoin!

Money is speech, speech is protected! ***


Bounty protects,, write into database.


Machines will use this

Bitcoin grade encryption

China cannot censor Bitcoin


Bitcoin is the panacea against social media


Your contribution will be irrelevant

Another model exists ***

They got in because they HAD to

Corporate money

Do the hard thing

I’m going to teach it

REMOVE these apps from our lives

Against bias?

Can’t corrupt, change direction of

Build new value


It makes your life better


Tragedy, proper economic energy

Organic energy, store economic organic energy


Fat cells

How to store energy


Hyper inflation, hyper obesity, hyper insulin?


Switching to BTC, I’m going to live forever!

Why photographers, bloggers, individuals and influencers should adopt Bitcoin


Will Durant, history of

You get to own your own money –> you are allowed to store your life force!

100 year corporation


Living longer is a good thing! ***

30 years, gold debases 2% , 35 years

Half life of bitcoin is forever, 0% inflation


They care

Crypto lobby, #1 political force today

800B-1T in real money invested in network


30 year delay. AC in Florida

Technology makes the world a better place

“We just die”

Type 1 diabetic,


Tech, finance.

