Pattern matte black

What do we truly seek?

Loan against yourself

I’m the new emperor bitch!

New armor.

I love hong Kong!

Blank white slate

White Canvas

Carte Blanche

Live above all rulers ,,, no restraint

Free from restraints

Rulers are our instruments

Stupendous strength, stupendous task

What is my stupendous life task?

I have divined something for his soul


$1,000 light

Purchasing Light

Regard the future as decisive

Leave the past behind us!


How a man becomes eternal

Well constituted

Carved from wood –> hard, fine & fragrant

Savour that which is wholesome

Beyond the bounds of wholesomeness?

$50 per diem for myself

Remedies, minor injuries

His illnesses are the great stimulata to his life

Take advantage of your own bad luck

All white everything!

Long caution, deliberate pride

Where did the stimulus come from,,, where is it going … don’t immediately yield to it?

Honor things by choosing them, selecting them, permitting them, trusting them

Attendant sufferings ,,, eminently desirable ***

Everything happens as it ought to have happened

Everything happens just as it ought to have happened

Weary, exhausted , spent.

Sex & identity and gender doesn’t actually matter much

The aesthetics of armor

Armor aesthetics

Beyond beauty?