Pattern matte black

What do we truly seek?

Loan against yourself

I’m the new emperor bitch!

New armor.

I love hong Kong!

Blank white slate

White Canvas

Carte Blanche

Live above all rulers ,,, no restraint

Free from restraints

Rulers are our instruments

Stupendous strength, stupendous task

What is my stupendous life task?

I have divined something for his soul


$1,000 light

Purchasing Light

Regard the future as decisive

Leave the past behind us!


How a man becomes eternal

Well constituted

Carved from wood –> hard, fine & fragrant

Savour that which is wholesome

Beyond the bounds of wholesomeness?

$50 per diem for myself

Remedies, minor injuries

His illnesses are the great stimulata to his life

Take advantage of your own bad luck

All white everything!

Long caution, deliberate pride

Where did the stimulus come from,,, where is it going … don’t immediately yield to it?

Honor things by choosing them, selecting them, permitting them, trusting them

Attendant sufferings ,,, eminently desirable ***

Everything happens as it ought to have happened

Everything happens just as it ought to have happened

Weary, exhausted , spent.

Sex & identity and gender doesn’t actually matter much

The aesthetics of armor

Armor aesthetics

Beyond beauty?

Move beyond

How to think more

Think more

Think better?

Be think act more decisive

Be. Become more decisive

What do you desire to create?

Irreverence for your reverence

Economics is true power


One price will rule over the entire market ***

Marginal competitors

Arbitrage gains

Supply schedule

Demand, supply


Elasticity of demand

Total outlay

Unit elasticity

The privilege of standing & movement

Invest in fun!

Warfare, modern warfare

The privilege of light,standing

Paladin ,,, become a paladin!

Blade Runner



Passion rules

Most interesting and dangerous periods

Equestrian ,,, knight.

Horse rider, cavalry man

Meatless diet is weakening

I commanded myself to live ***

Being on a plane makes me sleepy


Unorthodox unethical

Hoard resources

Money as solidified food

Eat more ?

More expensive ,, but it can actually be more economical because less to eat

Greater nutrition , more expensive , greater food density

No to just get “full”?


It needs to become stupider?

More hardcore?

It needs more steroids!


Prioritize now over tomorrow ***

Today is supreme

Tomorrow won’t exist?

I’m too impatient? My impatience is a virtue


Faster feedback

Faster ,,, more movement … more extreme velocity and energy and power and happenings?


MSTR is faster, more extreme more volatile more fun & interesting?

What’s the more interesting investment?

More feedback, faster


Prices go down forever ,,, quality goes up forever?

+3% purchasing power increase year over year

How to increase your purchasing power?

Money itself becomes more valuable over time

Natural disaster

Prices fall, quality of life increases?


Distortion of price signals

Asset inflation

Misallocation of capital

Business costs input cost increases


Try to reduce input costs

Reduce affordability



Input costs … lower ingredients

Obesity , health crisis

Health crisis


Asset prices have been going higher

Higher house prices


Wealth inequality


Rent is more expensive ,,, more homelessness ?


More governmental intervention


Stock market is on fire?

Stocks and houses keep going up?


More debt!


More two income families, mortgage


Less time together , breakdown of nuclear family , afford fewer kids


Consequence ,,, delayed consequences

Parasitic industries

Big Pharma, symptom not causes


Big food


Healthy customer is a less

Wall Street

Unproductive investments

Crony Corporatism



Stop smaller competition

Higher quality products . Prices rise quality reduces


Media Capture

Social Stability

Free speech, dissent


Captured media, forever wars


Banking system bailouts

Excessive Debt

Erosion of Trust

The next emergency


Extreme Outcomes


-7% per year purchasing power erosion


Undermine productivity in economy

Asset ownership home

Can’t win , get poorer every year


Not the first to get fired

The new poor. Becoming the new poor

Mainly asset yields

Income security high

Death by 1000 cuts


Feel like you’re getting poorer?

Yield feels lower


Politically connected



Industrialized theft

Fiatello vs satoshis


Your money is stealing money from you

Increase purchasing power! ***


Value is leaking out



You must put money in bank ,,, you cannot hold your money yourself?

Banks say no?


Restrict flow of capital?

Capital controls?

Uncorrupted money



Social cohesion?

Asset seizures

2013, Cyprus … bailed in, bailed out?

1933,,, gold holding illegal, 40 years

$10k fine, 10 years in prison


Communism ***

The big red button

Greedy businessmen, billionaires

More help, support?


Government is involved in everything?

MVG, minimum viable government

Civil, external wars


Easy to pay but merchants ,,, don’t get money for multiple days

Lacks micro transactions


  1. Get gold?

“Unfunded liabilities”

Power, purchasing power

How to increase your purchasing power?

Fraud & deception

Separate money & state

Sly roundabout way

Satoshis are real!

100 million Satoshis, sats

100,000,000 meals

Don’t trust, verify

Fix the money fix the world