The philosophers are not made to love
The eagles do not fly in company
Soaring above and having claws
Voltaire he has his claw and that is enough –> didn’t love nor was loved
He is feared ***
Without shame
The rise of nihilism?
Modern day is all nihilism
Remain aloof and alien
Bold and venturesome spirit
Already outlived the nihilism
Panism***-> all, it all
New values
Christian moral interpretation –> rise of nihilism
Opposite extreme, fantacism
Real men are not fanatical
Anti “transcendence”–
Tremendous energy
A new hope
Desire for nothingness?
What do I have left to aspire to
Decisive. Becoming more decisive.
Male vs Female Morality
Stay away from feminine men ***
Error as punishment, value judgment
What causes people to become discouraged
New opportunities
Existence of a moral world order
“Compliance” with everything with supreme canon of morality
Achieve nothing, accomplish nothing?
We, man, I am the center!
No system
Reconcile into everything
Feels himself to be a mode of the divine
There is no greater good
Timing & Leverage
Destructive, ironical
People strive to become ironic?
Simulated ignorance?
Extent for the market for products
Think market for products
Isolated, autistic labor
greatest relative superiority
Relative superiority ,,,
Once you’re the most superior then what
Law of comparative advantage
Mutual benefit and gain
Terms of exchange
Sold, buy.
Maximize psychic revenue
Lowest possible price
The most capable buyer
With capitalism technically all is infinite
Amount demanded
$200,000,000… but still living in poverty?
More volatility and more change ,,, more fun !
Unsatisfied supply
Engineer or accountant
Anti Central banks
Where are the real men
Optimal supply of money
Early spenders benefited
Free stimulus check –> if you invested that $1000 into BTC,,, those who win … the early investors
Purchasing power diluted
Problem –> I have a static number of bitcoins,,, and that number doesn’t go up.
If I have MSTR, and the value is going up forever ,,, infinitely … then I can continue to ride the $USD to gain more metaphorical bitcoins
Cataclysmic wrath
Just optimize to stand more ,,,
Music to stand?
Glorious Achilles
Bedecked in bronze
All bronze everything
All shiny bronze everything!
True hunger, true wealth?
Human action is purposeful behavior
Action is a real thing
Uneasiness motivates us to act?
Homo Agens… agency!
Human action –> change
Human action is always rational ***
Cause and effect
Distances great and small, danger and security,
Seek Danger?
Control of military expenditure
Think Military
Military Training
How to seek more profit
Deception **
All warfare is based on deception
Hence, when able to attack, we must seem
unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive;
when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we
are far away; when far away, we must make him
believe we are near.
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disor-
der, and crush him.
Pretend to be weak
Attack where unprepared
Market Warfare
Provisions take you further***
Forage on the enemy
One cart, 20 of our own
Victory > Lengthy campaign
If the goal ain’t no longer to own a single family house and home or home house habitation ,,, then what?
Capture don’t destroy
Don’t seige
Strategy –> don’t lose a single man
Just be patient
Marginal productivity
Profit is psychic ?
Future rent prices?
Why not try freedom?
Try Freedom?
Bitcoin standard
How to make things more efficient ?
Think Efficiency ***
Eating , take the most efficient path?
Buffet , even a breakfast buffet is very efficient!
What do you believe in?
What is philosophy?
War, violence, lust, ,,, all as positive stimulants
Fat of sheep and goats
Consume more fat ***
Swift footed
How to become more swift footed
Human actors
Short lived
Fine cattle, well fed sheep
Fence of teeth
The most beautiful the most best
Access to better food & coffee?