2-4 year disaster

I hate haters ,,, good people are often haters?

How to change the world

First, start off by hating nothing

Be different


Don’t abdicate capital


They want a capital gain! ***

Taxable distribution

Everyone wants the number to go up!

Don’t issue dividend

Growth company ***

Not sure how to grow?

I’m a growth person!


Signal weakness insecurity confusion?

Buy different

Don’t surrender the capital

$13 a share, now $400?

40x gain in 4 years?



$10,000 a coin

10x gain


Valued on expectations

Think compression & leverage

Real estate rental project company


Software as service long term lease

3 year contracts

Price escalator –>

How does customer feel about it?


Conventional strategy, software

Apple Prime

Road to serfdom .. Fiat strategy, for company

I only live in expectations

Path to prosperity is bitcoin

Think differently

Add $150 a share

Don’t destroy the capital!

Loan to value

Double the value of the company

50% expectations

I’ll be buying the top forever!

$10M a coin, $10b a day

We are the bridge

Bitcoin backed securities

Inefficient energy form
Inefficient portfolio

Keep growing every year forever

$500T asset class

Risk premium?

Arbitrage opportunity

Don’t trust ugly people —


I’m focused on 21 years

The next 21 year model!


21 months too short

.1M of Bitcoin

Man up! ***

It is capital not currency! ***

Not digital currency!

What is Bitcoin NOT?

Money –> legal tender currency and store of value

Capital not currency

Digital currency is tether!

Murray Rothsbard, money and banking in US

Durrant history of the world

17 different directions . Monetary history

Ideas are tropes

Issue the continental

1660, puritans

Time will tell

Jerome Powell said bitcoin does not compete with the dollar, it competes with gold! ***

Gold is capital asset

Garbage 7/7


You do not sell your Bitcoin *

Pay me in a building !

Gold settle,ent network failed

20T us sovereign debt

The burden of proof

Forcible mutation that leads to monstrosity


Don’t trust anarchists

 just don’t break it!


Ignore them

Don’t flinch


More to lose or gain?


Poorly engineered ?

always in the sun!


When is it wise to be conservative?