Gold is 3.6%
Accompany must grow organically at least 15% a year, or else an institutional investor will lose their interest and liquidity in the firms equity and options
First, don’t destroy your capital
Don’t bleed capital, capital and heat loss.
So it looks like already… We are kind of already entering the LA winter again. In the evening it’s starting to dip into like 49°, whereas during the day, in the dark light it is like a lovely 70° and sunny.
So we left the other day to visit Orange County and we left the window open. The day was really nice like 72°, but because we left the window open, by the time we got home, the house was super effing cold. Why? The heat loss principle; obviously if it’s like 40° outside and you keep the window open, it’s going to be super cold by the time you get back.
go our economy, deliver prosperity to our people, and also overcome our deficit
60% ARR
Over four years bitcoin is up 60%, the magnificent seven is up only 29%, real estate is only up 10%, the S&P 500 is only up 15%, gold is terrible  only 6%. Even worse bonds are -5%.
Currently, bitcoin is only $1.8 trillion, gold is 16 trillion, is 18 trillion, cars in flexibles are only 6 trillion, real estate is 330 trillion. Antiquities in stocks is about 115 trillion.
The question… How much of this is to serve utility versus capital Preservation?
The first rule of money: don’t lose money!
Capital preservation
Store value
$850 billion, almost $1 trillion has already been invested in bitcoin, and this is real money.
220 million people on the planet own bitcoin, which is close to the population of America, which I suppose is around 420 million people. And surely uncertain, the number of individuals who owned bitcoin, like I already got my 67 year-old uncle to buy like $3500 worth of bitcoin, and he has been a gold Smith and gold jeweler and jewelry dealer for almost 35 years
Bitcoin is the most interesting and sexiest investment on the planet today.
Already now… Bitcoin is actually the seventh largest asset by market capitalization, already now… Bitcoin is above Facebook and meadow which is number 10.
Gold is currently number one at around $17 trillion, Nvidia at $3.6 trillion, which is surprising because it is actually above Apple which is $3.4 trillion. And bitcoin is gonna soon overtake Google which is worth $2.2 trillion, and soon Amazon which is also about $2.2 trillion.
 governments are buying bitcoin. City should also buy bitcoin?
The USA currently owns 208,000 bitcoin, surprisingly that is less than about 278,000 bitcoin that micro strategy owns.
El Salvador was very wise, buying about 6000 bitcoin,
China mainland in China has 190,000 bitcoin, which is actually close to the USA.
Bitcoin will become worth $280 trillion in terms of market cap? That is like..l
If bitcoin is 2 trillion it is like at least 100 X?
100 X from here?
21 years, 100X
$50M, $49M a Bitcoin?
The $3.4M Leica?
$500,000 a month in property taxes ,,, could be gains?
$6.8M a year?
$56,000 photo shoot
I’ll do it for like $100 a Bitcoin!
1000T market cap, why not?
120% ARR
27x vs 12x
Why bitcoin and micro strategy is actually more valuable than Tesla
So certainly Tesla is like perhaps in terms of vehicles in transport and mobility like the most valuable company in America possibly the planet. But still… There is going to be a future in which certain people decide not to drive a Tesla car, smart people like myself who actually prefer their Toyota Prius. 
What is more important than global money? Nothing.