What is bigger than all of this?

Another thing to consider… Ultimately when you think about superficial things like the size of your penis your balls, even your flesh bound human body, we are quite tiny and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Even women the most beautiful men on the planet, besides their frame, and the circular fat deposits on their chest and bottoms, they are hourglass shape, none of it really matters.

Even something that’s impressive as a cyber truck, super huge, and awesome, but, still… If you compare it to a massive building warehouse or structure, it is also quite insignificant.

This is where Bitcoin is so fascinating to me, cause it is like an organic global organism, both cybernetic but also biological organic, which extends around the whole planet, the whole globe, and is always at work, 24 hours a day, 365, every second minute an hour of the day. It is the most global, the most awesome thing of all time.

I think everyone is always looking for a passion or a dear fashion in life, currently mine is bitcoin. Why? It is in accordance with all of my personal beliefs; first, it is open source, open, decentralized, transparent and ethical, and open to all 8 billion people on the planet. Not only that, but I think bitcoin actually encourages and promotes world peace and prosperity; the truth is everyone wants the bitcoin price to go up forever, everyone is invested in it, and everyone is rooting in it. In some ways bitcoin is like the underdog.

I was shocked today the whole market cap of bitcoin is already $1.6 trillion, it was only 500 billion just a year ago. And people tend to think that bitcoin is not underdog, they root for their Ethereum, their token, their doge coin, their alt coin whatever, but, everything that is not a bitcoin is just a cubic zirconian fake diamond; it looks shiny and beautiful from from the outside, but ultimately the core is just refined plastic. Or glass. Whereas bitcoin is true substance, the first and only digital gold. Or solidified store of value.

Once again, everyone is on team bitcoin. Everyone wants it to go up, forever. Who is rooting for team bitcoin? People in Nigeria, Lagos, Vietnam, Singapore, Bangkok, Dubai, the Middle East and Lebanon, in Prague and beyond. Any sort of person on the planet with access to a smart phone and Wi-Fi for 5G or 4G or even 3G or even 2G edge, they all want it. And now that Elon Musk‘s Starlink is alive, essentially anyone could buy own sell trade transfer bitcoin at the moment anywhere on the planet, and not be excluded by bank holidays.

It is still so weird and bizarre to me; why is it still in the year 2024, in the evenings and on the weekend, why am I locked out of my traditional banking accounts, my trading accounts, why cannot not make a wire transfer on Saturday? Why do I have to wait until Monday? This is insanely bizarre to me.

And also, in today’s world in which the Internet is essentially on 24 seven, 365, all day every day, all times of the day… Why do you finances, and financial tools and products become locked at arbitrary times in the evening?

free the capital!

I like the idea of money without Borders, or capital without borders restriction rules laws regulations, nonsense. And the reason why I’m so happy to have Donald Trump as a president is that he is not anti-bitcoin, surprisingly he is very very pro bitcoin, but also he is pro America and also pro the US dollar? This is to me a very very radical and wonderfully great economic optimism things; if in fact the president of the free world is both pro bitcoin and also pro US dollar, assuming that you’re an American, with a painting account in US dollars, you’re paid in US dollars, and your own bitcoin or micro strategy stock, then, These next four years will be the most economically prosperous for you of all time. The next four years you’re going to get filthy stupid rich.

And this is where I think it is wise to just be patient. There are already pundits who believe that bitcoin can break $100,000 by the end of the year, so the virtue of being patient is wise. My personal prediction is that bitcoin might break $120,000 by next March? March 2025? Assuming that the fair accounting standards board, FASB rules GOES INTO EFFECT AND ALSO THE NEW GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES STARTING JANUARY 2025 WILL GO INTO EFFECT FOR CORPORATIONS, INSTITUTIONS ETC., THEN, THE PRICE OF BITCOIN IS GOING TO EXPLODE.

## it is better to die enormous than lie dormant

Note, even Jay Z and Jack Dorsey invested into bitcoin! What that then means, assuming that Jay Z may be one of the best business people of all time, of course bitcoin is legit. I’m very very excited and also looking forward to when rappers start rapping about bitcoin, not loser Lamborghinis which are just Volkswagen Passat with scissor doors.

For me, I get 1 trillion times more joy owning bitcoin,