I hate being slow?

When I’m tired I’m not as sharp?

Don’t be indoors?

All these sick people coughing? Another reason to NOT allow your kids to go to preschool, indoors, indoor activities etc?


Long term investing —

Don’t buy, sell, short, gamma?


Committed investing

–> only sell if family on the brink of poverty?


I prefer standing ,,, just put on the weight vest!


Progressive or “retro” design?

Retro is bad ***

Land Cruiser


Will it last 30 years?


Capital controls,,, can’t wire money out of country


Irked me ,..

90% taken


Wabi Sabi


Ugly is good?


2019 didn’t know bitcoin


2013,,, forgot,

Wars open minds

We don’t embrace new ideas until they die ***, unless there is a war!

WW2– ideas

War is interested in you

War on currency, war on COVID, etc.




“Not that much”

1.5M, maybe 2–



Basket place

Haha be joyful!


Speedos are the future?


Avoid complexity ***

Clean air?


Be an anti smoking bully?


When you think the cigarette won’t pollute the air… when you go down the block half way… even though you don’t smell it now,,, issue?

Anti smoking rampage be the asshole.

Pollution issues and the public?

Air quality?


Be the anti smoking Nazi?


Smoking Nazi

“Did you wash your hands”?


“For the good of society”– or your own city local state?


Not for the “public good”– but just for me?