Standard of living through income

Prices via values

some varieties of labor services have unpleasant associations for the laborer,

Afford enjoyment via occupation

Remunerative labor

Entrepreneurial activity

Not commodities , no prices

Not intended for exchange

Credit increases

Price of services of capital

Risk premium

35A special characteristic of price formation in the case of the services of capital is due, as we shall see later, to the fact that these services cannot ordinarily be sold without transferring the capital itself into the hands of the buyer of the services of capital. There is a resulting risk for the owner of the capital for which he must be compensated by a premium.

Land capital and labor

Rent interest and wages

Price of a good in accordance to the value for economizing men

Magnitude of price

Magnitude of it’s value

Economic character

Labor and price of its value

labor value

For if the demand for higher wages is not coupled with a program for the more thor- ough training of workers, or if it is not confined to advocacy of freer competition, it requires that workers be paid not in accor- dance with the value of their services to society, but rather with a view to providing them with a more comfortable standard of liv- ing, and achieving a more equal distribution of consumption goods and of the burdens of life. A solution of the problem on this basis, however, would undoubtedly require a complete transfor- mation of our social order.37

Barter change and exchange and trade

Reciprocal transfer

needs of both economizing individuals could be better satisfied than would be the case in the absence of this reciprocal transfer.

The pain of hunger

Betterment of their economic positions

Relative magnitudes

Economic gains


Prices and water

If the locks between two still bodies of water at different levels are opened, the surface will become ruffled with waves that will gradually subside until the water is still once more. The waves are only symptoms of the operation of the forces we call gravity and friction. The prices of goods, which are symptoms of an economic equilibrium in the distribution of possessions between the economies of individuals, resemble these waves

Saleable commodities

Sale or purchase

Price Formation



Economic gain through bargaining and intelligent exploitation?

Price formation under monopoly ***

The only real profits which can happen is through monopolies ?

How to create a monopoly

Photo sharing social media on Bitcoin and lightning

Single indivisible good

Purchasing power

Increase your power & purchasing power

How to increase your purchasing power?

Monopolized goods

Bitcoin is the first and true and only digital monopoly

Invest in monopolies

Yield the greatest profit

Yield the maximum profit

Disrupt the guilds

When the power of the guilds to control the quan- tities of goods brought to market was wrested from them, their regulations could no longer be enforced.

You cannot destroy bitcoin

Bitcoin workshop?

Bitcoin for Street Photographers