Fashion Accessories

OK some general thoughts:

First, the best accessories are just the human body. For example, reading the marketing material or just looking at the new Porsche 911 Carrera S whatever… If you look at the marketing material, if you study the Typically it is centered around the idea of a muscular rear section. However, isn’t it for superior as an instead of dropping $290,000 on a vehicle, instead, two impute and add that to your own body?

Bolt on muscle 

In the world of performance vehicles, modifying your car etc., there is a general notion of “bolt on”;. Essentially easy modifications could do to your car which do not require anything super complicated.

For example, let us say that you have the typical Japanese manual transmission car, easily install with just a ratchet and some adapters intake header exhaust, cat back etc.  some people with they eventually do is they turbocharged their car, but apparently… A lot of people don’t really like this because there’s too much turbo lag and not enough torque off the line. This is where having an electric vehicle is much more fun; instantaneous torque.

Even driving Cindy‘s dad’s Tesla model Y dual motor on the freeway… The feeling that the torque was always ready at command was quite awesome, because when you’re driving on the freeway, the 405… You know it is seconds notice you could easily overtake any other vehicle, whereas when driving around in my Prius, The issue is there is always an acceleration lag, which means I need to add more buffer when driving on the freeway.

Torque & power

I think this is what and where the notion of a one repetition maximum lift is so fascinating to me; form ultimately, it is much more interesting to lift 1000 pounds, once, for even a centimeter, rather than to lift 100 pounds 100 times, or to even carry 100 pounds for 10 miles.

Typically would ask of power, it is very very short; for example, if you’re doing a drag race, or if you’re trying to show off your power, or how powerful your car is… Nobody really cares about the whole distance thing — typically we ranked and measure ourselves in the context of 0-60 speeds, or the quarter mile.

For example, the thing which I still find endlessly hilarious at least in the context of course; even the formidable course 911, 911 turbo, the new 911 hybrid, even the 911 GT three RS; compared to cyber beast which I believe could go from 0 to 60 in only 2.5 seconds; Cyber truck the cyber beast is superior and every single shape form and way.

First, it looks cooler. Something about the singular front headlight design is endlessly fastening to me, it looks like RoboCop meets some sort of futuristic alien bot? One thing that I don’t really like the 911, no matter how much I’d like the car, is the headlight design; it is almost too cute, too bubbly. And let us not forget if you watch the cars movie, the Porsche 911 Carrera was actually the woman feminine figure in the film.

Also, note how cyber truck is literally bulletproof. I don’t know how doesn’t crash test, but certainly I would feel very secure driving around that car, especially with my kid which is by far the most valuable cargo you could ever have.


Everybody is sick some sort of supremacy themselves. For example, one wants to feel supreme in terms of their virtue ethics and morality, another further intelligence knowledge and wisdom, another for their body, muscles, physique and height, another for their taste in obscure aesthetic things and art and music and crafts, Another for their vehicles, another for their fashion, and also others for their riches wealth and money.

Assuming that you live in a modern day capitalist world, ultimately the most important thing is actually money. Who has the most money, who is the richest, the wealthiest, the most powerful.

We also make this line of thinking; he who is richest is also happiest, most joyful, most carefree, the most sublimely elevated.

However, I think actually… The most critical thing is your health, your wellness, your muscles, your posture, your mood, your energy levels, your zest for life!

For example, it doesn’t matter if you’re a trillionaire, if you’re a 600 pound obese man, stuck in a wheelchair, none of it will be worth it.

How to become healthier

A general guideline I’ve been following ever since Seneca was born, was trying to focus on his physical health and his physical activity. For example, having the maximum amount of time and opportunity for him to just walk around, parkour, play at the park, claim stuff, Cool hiking or walking around nature or natural paths, going to the beach, etc.

It is virtuous in manifold ways; first, the more physical activity he gets, the better he eats, the more he grows, the stronger the more muscular and taller he becomes, the he becomes, and also the more physical activity he gets, he also sleeps better at night.

And then it becomes a virtuous loop; he sleeps well, he sleeps the night longer, wakes up later… better for me and Cindy, and also for our health and well-being. 

Limits of health?

Over-health, over-healthy is the goal!

Impossible to think or say, but some simple very practical things that you could do in terms of money food and health include buying grass fed beef or meat, pastor raised eggs which have deeper more orange yolks, which not only taste 1000 times better but I believe have far more nutrition, Certainly these things will be fantastic for your health.

Also, certainly could coffee makes life better. Fine robust, or simple Ethiopian yirgacheffe coffee works wonders. 

What do you value?

Reading a lot of Karl Menger (Carl Menger), principles of economics; the Austrian school of economics, is this interesting notion of value.

First, I think the interesting realization and discovery that I made is that we individuals have the freedom and the power to posit what our values are. 

For example, what is it that you truly value? Your health, your well-being, family, your kid, your soul your sanity, your focus, your freedom etc.?

To a large extent, you could decide what you value and what you do not value.

For example, let us say that you value money above everything else; if that were the case, the easiest thing might be to get a dirty job and work in sanitation, which can make you the big bucks, but you have to smell poop for a living.

Or, you could become an investment banker, work on Wall Street, and work 120 hours a week, if that is your thing.

Also I think what a lot of Americans don’t realize is that you could live like a king in Southeast Asia for only about $300 USD a month! Or even if you live in a lot of America, I’m sure you could rent an apartment for only about $500 a month or something.

Or better yet, if you’re really smart and frugal, even living expensive place like Los Angeles or maybe even the San Francisco Bay area, don’t people realize that you could just share a room or an apartment with people?

For example, even if rent is quite expensive, just share a bedroom with somebody! If I was a single entrepreneur or maybe even a single person… Wouldn’t be so fixated on this whole notion that I had to have an entire place to myself, or even have my own bedroom. I have no issues sharing. Saving money, reducing expenses the absolute minimum is the goal!


As a fun experiment, make it again; see how long you go without buying anything? Of course besides food coffee etc.

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