The sign of a real man?

Mortally wounded

Lock. Frozen redemptions ? Genesis

Bloodthirsty during carnage?


Look at the past?


Go west

The wild Wild West



Economically murdering people

Don’t be static

Bitcoin is my day job



Read and watch the past thing


$50M into bitcoin


$16,000 a Bitcoin

Take the long view

Less than 4 years, speculator


4-10 years not long enough

10+ , 100+ year time horizon


Spartan & Stoic Bitcoin Economics


75% draw down


How people deal with adversity –> stoicism?

Think 100 years


Invest in something for 300 years?


Attitude –>




20 years

200 years



Stock to flow

Hardness of a commodity

35 year half life of gold

Non linear mathematics


Stock to flow is 0–> bitcoin, 21 million

Stock to flow is infinitely

–> never spend or use your Bitcoin

P goes to infinity


Half life of infinity

Not 100 years


2%, 2%-> 4% a year

4/70… 16 year half life

17 years half life


Triple net

Supreme Frugaliy

Godlike Frugality?

Theory of monopoly and money

Bitcoin is the monopoly

6%–>? The real cost?

–> they may just take the money and never get it back.

50 years, cost to capital ..


$1M, 4.5% interest on 1 year bond

450 basis points

Fail once 50 years

650 basis points

Tax –> 400 basis points after tax


The wisdom of fear


Real rich people drive Toyotas


Toyota over Tesla?


Fail every 10 years


30% counterparts risk for get paid only 4% after taxes

Buy a negative -26% yield thing…?

Last 3 years?


Last Longer!

Bodybuilding and weight lifting still to age 70?


No bodybuilder or weight lifter has made it to 70 years old

Clothes for 100 years?


Risk of owning equity

… read disclosures


Public equity

Amazon is down 50%

10x more risk

Negative real yield of 40-50%

1/2 chance going to 0. In cycle.

Doesn’t understand securities


Related party issues

Liquidate or not liquidate


Never check prices unless you’re planning on buying?


No, zero loan



Honest & Competent

Loan $0 dollars and $10M


Orders of magnitude, 3 orders of magnitude less!

Honesty & competency


What is a “token”?


Don’t need CEO, marketing or a “hackathon”–?

Token vs Security

Digital commodity –> BTC


What’s best for the human race?


Do the virtuous thing ***–> not the “right” thing?

Do the manly thing


Peer to peer


Bitcoin is freedom, Bitcoin is liberty?

Solidified freedom is Bitcoin?

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