New Thoughts vs Old Thoughts 

Additive or subtractive?

A realization when listening to some old music, or some music that I listen to a lot back in 2017, 2018:

I’m a new man now.

For example, big things which have changed include the fact that I have a kid now, a three year old, three month son… And also, I no longer live in Vietnam, I live in LA, the states.

Also more recently, I did a lot of one rep Max weightlifting, hype lifting powerlifting style went back in Orange County, in which there was literally nothing else to do but go to the gym.

New place, new body?

But now, living in Los Angeles is different.  ironically enough, living here in Culver City, this is actually the most I’ve ever walked in my life. When I wake up in the morning, after I pounded my love espresso, the first thing I want to do is get my ass outside, enjoy the beautiful sun, the beautiful weather, and get outside and start walking!

Therefore, a big thought; the place in which you live does in fact shape you.

For example, life in Los Angeles, the difference between heaven and hell. Literally just a few blocks over, on the “Los Angeles side“, not the Culver City side, it sucks a lot. It is just like this really ugly and depressing oppressive asphalt combination of freeways, throughways, which are absolutely antagonistic towards walking. in fact, for these intersections, every time you decide to cross the intersection, even if you are 100% alert, no headphones on, not looking at a phone, you’re always taking some sort of risk. In fact now they have Seneca, every single time we walk across the street… Extreme extreme caution. Very very common for lots of cars here to run red lights, or people to text while driving etc.

My first thought is  I wonder if as civilians, or citizens… Is there a way in which when you observe people breaking the law in terms of running red lights or whatever, you can record them with your iPhone video… And upload it somewhere to report their poor behavior? For example, there needs to be some sort of citizen justice upload repository where the California highway police could report them or something.

Why new thoughts?

Something I’ve discovered in the realm of philosophy is that there is a strange bias or line of thinking that the proper thinker, philosopher, or visionary should think about something for a very very long time, but once they make up their mind, they stay staunch to their idea, and then they hold this belief forever.  then once one has made up one’s mind, to change your opinion and seen as a sign of weakness, or a sign of illegitimacy.

But, isn’t it more virtuous instead to always have an open mind? That if you discover ideas or thoughts which are contrary to your belief system ha ha you’re willing to change your belief system at a moment notice? 

For example, Michael Saylor talks a lot about positions, the guy who discovered that blood in fact circulated around your body from your heart. He said famously, that no doctor over the age of 40 would change their mind.

Or can you imagine, ancient Greeks were even the doctors who bled George Washington to death… This insane notion of blood letting, or bodily humors? Or beliefs in black bile?

I’m pretty proud of myself that I’ve always kept an open mind, the way to change my belief systems when either I discovered new information or knowledge, new research, or just through my own life experiences.

For example, the reason why I think I am so wise in regards to food diet health fitness is that I’ve literally tried everything under the sun. I’ve done the high carb diets, the low-carb diets, carnivore diet, ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, eating six small meals a day etc. I’ve also done bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting, HYPELIFTING (my invention), strongman-style training etc. and now, more off the grid exercises, walking around town with my 60 pound weight vest.  Funny note, I think in fact, my 60 pound weight vest might be the ultimate fashion accessory of them all. I called it my SEAT TEAM aesthetic. Kind of like John Wick on steroids.

New directions

“You never step into the same river twice” – Heraclitus

I suppose outside of life is that even if you wanted to, you could not always be static. Your body is ever evolving ever changing forever ebbing and flowing, whether you like it or not.

For example, even if you rewatch the films which had a big impact on you as a teenager, or your early 20s or whatever… Re-watching the film with brand new eyes, the film will have a different effect on you. For example, we watching the film 300… And now that I have a son, the scene in which the captain son’s gets the capitated is one of the most and sorrowful experiences because it becomes more real and visceral; this is why I think every single man thinker philosopher or innovator should have at least one son… I think Greek tragedy and Homeric epics only begin to make sense once you’ve had your first born son.

Even random stuff from the Bible… Like sacrificing the life or the blood or whatever of your firstborn son in order for XYZ… I would not trade the life of Seneca for one quadrillion dollars multiplied by a quadrillion. And, if I had to trade my life that cynic may live his, I would do it without even blinking.


“Love without sacrifices is theft” – NASSIM TALEB

I think before you get married and have kids whatever… The notion of sacrifice is a fuzzy one at best. Difficult to ascertain what sacrifice means.

Not only that… But I think the notion of sacrifice has a poor branding problem here; I think sacrifices too much self-flagellation, imagining these strange early Christian fathers and monks flagellating themselves in the back with barbed wire etc.

First, I think self sacrifice in the traditional sense is too macabre. For example, we consider most of Christian morality, it is all around Jesus sacrificing his life for others and for humanity, his beliefs etc. And also, much of modern day thinking revolves around the idea of being a martyr, martyr dumb; but I find the notion of a martyr to be a bad one, a barbaric one.

Even Nietzsche says that no cause on the planet is ever worth self martyred done; that anybody who intentionally marches himself, is actually seeking suicide with some sort of legitimacy.

More interestingly enough, apparently one of the really really ancient Greeks, a real figure, is reported to have discarded his shield and spear in order to save his own life, his name was Atillochus or something?  he was one of the earliest Greek hop light poets, who famously stated that practically nothing in life was worth his life, no cause was worth sacrificing on life, and I think this is actually true and wise; I see no cause on the planet worth sacrificing my own life For Seneca and humanity… Even Achilles says in the Iliad how no cause was worth his life.

New ethoses of virtue?

I suppose the difficult thing here is that we need to create new notions of heroism, and virtue which is not centered around self-flagellation, self abnegation, self suicide, or martyrdom.

What we need instead is more virtuous solutions to things, more hardy, manly approaches to things. 

The Spartan approach

For example, a simple thought is the spartan approach to things. The general idea is that imagine that you live in the Spartan world, the movie 300… Assuming that you are king Lee and I this… What is the impetus of your life? To buy a car? This is insane!

Note in the movie 300, which I consider mandatory viewing for any man, king Leonidas and his 300 never use any vehicles, nor touch them. And also in terms of their equipment, insanely sparse; for the most part when they are just hanging around in town, they are essentially practically naked, just wearing a piece, bare chested, they’re only fashion accessory is there crimson cape which reaches the floor.

And also when they get into battle, essentially all they put on is greaves to protect their shins, forearm armor, helmets, sword shield and spear.  Also interesting to note is if you look closely… They’re just wearing sandals! Even in battle! And I think if you read the Iliad closely, the whole time everyone is just wearing open toed sandals. 

Anti capitalist approaches

Everyone is trying to get you to purchase something. Why? This is how capital, capitalism, works. If nobody ever purchases anything, nothing moves nothing works.

I actually had a funny business slot idea; is it possible to make money by encouraging people to get rid of things? Maybe Marie Kondo?

For example, the fitness industry or a gym or a gym trainer doesn’t benefit when you decide to cancel your gym membership, stop watching YouTube with advertisements, and decide to just work out at home, or start hiking in the mountains or the steps etc. Just watch it, trust no YouTube fitness influencer who either promote advertisements, promotes products, or has any sort of advertisements on it. Yeah yeah yeah everyone has to make a living, but know that anything you watch for free is essentially an advertisement for something.

If you really want to know people who trust, the best is to trust people who are just either independently wealthy, or they earn their money elsewhere; nowadays, my creation is through crypto and bitcoin, as a consequence, I suppose you could just trust me more in realms outside of crypto or bitcoin; putting more faith in my thoughts on philosophy, life philosophy, fitness etc. 

Nothing wrong about making money

Certainly there is nothing wrong about making money. In fact, a lot of making money is virtuous, because what money movement is is getting humans to be active, do stuff, perform labor, get the plan and moving. Movement is a good thing.

Imagine a bad world in which everyone was just hooked up to the oculus headset, never leave their apartment, this would be bad.

I suppose the nuance here is making your money your slave, not becoming a slave to money. 

What that means is certainly there are certain non-negotiables like paying rent, for food etc. But I suppose the wisdom here is trying to figure out how to intelligently leverage money in a virtuous positive way, which aligns with your core values.

For example, rent is a big issue, but I think one of the most intelligent like to you could do is rent a very expensive place in an extremely desirable area which allows maximum walking. In this regard, I have zero qualms about paying $3200 a month for our lovely two bedroom 1 bath here in Culver City. 

However, other simple ways to save money. Or to not deplete your money:

  1. Don’t consume alcohol, whether at home or at the club or at the bar, at the restaurant etc. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to consume alcohol. And also, some Canadian researchers have discovered that any sort of consumption alcohol is positively toxic to your body. I think this whole notion of drinking a glass of red wine a day whatever is some sinister loving from the alcohol fermented grape juice corporation; in order for fat rich old sick people to feel better about themselves.
  2. Don’t smoke marijuana, consume CBD, or any weird drugs. I think it is good that they marijuana, but just because other people do it doesn’t mean you have to. Certainly there seems to be certain therapeutic upsides of marijuana if you’re dying of cancer or whatever… But if you’re overall healthy Bodied human being, my thought is the downsides of marijuana might outweigh the positives. There’s no such thing as a biological free lunch.
  3. Don’t eat out, don’t order takeout, don’t order food delivery. It seems here this is where 99% of millennials blow their money. It is very very easy and simple to just cook at home!


Real men consumed tapwater, or filtered water from home. Or water fountains. Don’t be a fool who purchases filtered water or even worse these pseudoscientific notions of alkaline water; this is almost came to me as having people measure your cranium for your intelligence levels etc.

I think the only beverages which are legitimate include water and black coffee straight up. Nothing else. Real or fake. 

Meat is cheap

Also another funny irony is if you want to save money on food, being a 100% carnivore is probably one of the most frugal things you could do. Why? Meet is cheap! And the average human can’t even eat that much of it.

If you think really critically about it… vegetables and fruit are actually far more expensive than meat.

I often see all these advertisements about ending hunger for kids whatever… the simplest solution would just be getting kids on 100% carnivore diet! 

Being naked is the best outfit

There is a very new popular clothing brand for women called reformation. And they have very clever marketing slogans like “the best outfit is being naked”.

When I think about fashion in general and clothing… My  generalized idea is the thought:

What is the function of this clothing? To hide your body ugliness and shame? Or to highlight it, and accentuate your body’s natural beauty? 

One thing I’ve discovered in regards to clothing and fashion is that the whole industry is centered around making you feel bad and embarrassed by yourself. To feel Lam, uncool, unwanted.

Even 99.9% of all these silly sneaker stuff; now that it is insane that you could purchase $700 sneakers… That somehow, feet are something to be ashamed of? Even for myself, I think the only reason people don’t wear the VR five fingers shoes is that they look weird. But besides this they are superior to any other show out there and every single shape form and way.

And also, it looks like a big issue in today’s world is that so many people are becoming over fat, I’ve even seen some random YouTube advertisements for women for some sort of body lotion or balm which prevents chafing in between your fat rolls? 

Fasting is the way

Assuming the adipose tissue, fat, your bodily fat is an organic battery… In theory you could probably live up to 60 days without eating any food, assuming you still drink water.

When you decide to fast, or getting into interment fasting in which you don’t need breakfast or lunch, only dinner… All of these evil flavored beverage companies don’t make a profit.

Once again, nobody earns money when the dietary fed is to not consume food or not to consume beverages.

For the most part, nobody earns a profit when you go “via negativa”.

Or let us consider… If you decide to delete Instagram, this is not good news for Facebook meta corporation.  Almost wonder if Facebook and Meda and Instagram is like the new AOL; they will do everything in their power to incentivize your friend unsubscribing or quitting.

Or can you imagine like the evil Philip Morris corporation making a positive positively difficult for you to quit smoking cigarettes? Or even worse, starting to market or brand your three year old toddler to start smoking cigarettes? Saying that is “OK in moderation?”

Think the ancients

I think the reason why I like thinking ancient thoughts, or reading ancient literature is that a lot of this ancient Greek world is before money or coinage was invented. Therefore, ancient Greeks were not capitalistic; certainly they believe in things like war, plunder, seizing prizes, battle etc.… But, no silly consumerist notions.

Just start carte blanche. Get rid of all of your old music literature books whatever, and start fresh.


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