Required watching for any innovator, entrepreneur, radical philosopher:

1. The one?

I’ve never read the actual Dune book series, apparently it is really weird. I’ve tried to read it several times, but, the writing style is quite inaccessible to me, and also quite uninterested to me as well.

Anyways, I’m very glad that the dune movie came out, because it finally made the whole book accessible to me. Also, insanely great.

First of all, follow the director. Denis V–  the same Director who did the amazing Blade Runner reboot, he is the one. Currently speaking the best Director of our generation, perhaps after Zack Snyder. Who I rate very highly as well. I think the movie 300 was Zack Snyder‘s masterpiece. I also appreciated the Snyder cut of the Justice league.

Anyways, the whole premise of Dune, the first and second movie is based on some sort of Messiah figure, the one. This plays very well with the narrative of the matrix, which is all about, the one, the savior the Messiah etc.

I suppose the critical critique is that in American and western media, it is too focused on this narrative, the Messiah, the one coming and liberating everybody.  in the context of the movie Dune, I find it great because in someways, Paul Atriedes is almost like the prophet Mohammed; let us consider how he leads the desert people to “paradise“;  and how essentially the whole premise of the film is in the desert.

Where I find the film in the overall concept of Dune fascinating is that it seems like an interesting mash of both the whole Jesus prophet, Messiah, Christian notion mixed with Islam.

2. Metaphors

I add Dune to my canon of great films.  why? Any truly great film should have deep metaphors about real life.

For example, the wholly interesting notion of the whole dune series is about spice; which I once read is kind of like a metaphor for Americans and oil.

I don’t know too much about Frank Herbert, but if you consider that the dune series was written about 30 years ago or so; let us consider America in the 1970s and 80s; the fight for oil and petroleum and global dominance, the people of Arrakis are like the indigenous people, and the Empire is like the United States. I also think if you think about Star Wars; technically, the rebels, versus the empires; maybe the metaphor of the rebels is like the rebels are like the early Americans, and the Empire were the British?

Anyways, the reason why the whole spice metaphor is fascinating is because in the universe of Dune, spice might be the most critical ingredient or substance or power which exists. Apparently in the Dune universe, if you don’t have spice, you cannot travel through space, or across time. This is why the planet of Arrakis is critical; no spice, no space travel. No empire.

3. Scale

What I find so magnificent about the dune film What I find so magnificent about the dune film is the sense of scale.

 For example, For example, a great piece of film mysteries; For example, a great piece of film mysteries; cinema magic in which For example, a great piece of film mysteries; Cinemagic in which polar treaties rides the great grandfather worm for the first time. 

I think this is also something that is very critical I think this is also something that is very critical in real life; visiting environments or places with great scale; for example, Joshua tree, I think this is also something that is very critical in real life; visiting environments or places with great scale; for example, Joshua tree, or even the Vasquez rocks– or hiking or hiking on top of the mountain, getting a panopticon view of things. 

I actually have a theory that we humans I actually have a theory that we humans must exercise our depth I actually have a theory that we humans must exercise our depth perception I actually have a theory that we humans must exercise our depth perception; we must have a variety in terrain, in order to augment our minds and our intelligence. 
This is why whenever one wants to think grand and lofty thoughts, it seems critical to climb on top of the mountain, or maybe drive on top of the mountain, and get a panopticon view of the world.

Anyways, it seems in order to become great in grand, you must not be flat. Don’t be flat, stuck inside small boxes etc.