Depleting energy too quickly

Too rapid of a rate 

Paper money is cotton candy

Dilution of money 

You don’t want to change the gravity

2.1 quadrillion Satoshis

Mathematically complete system

Hardest to impair


Not all capital is fungible

Self upgrade


Higher velocity

Do a bunch of work with energy, generate a bunch of hashes , solve the problem and claim the reward , get paid for work

Honest work

0 to 1 Innovation

Difficulty adjustment; as time goes on, you must make it more difficult!

Bitcoin Philosophy to Real Life

Increasing your own personal hash rate

Competitive work

Bitcoin is a microcosm of capitalism

Which fields to enter? Don’t enter field that you’ll just make a marginal difference, even at 10 X improvement, doesn’t seem a lot. Maybe the true innovation lies in going from 0 to 1; a life before we had none of it, but now we have it.

For example, I still think the killer app for Tesla is the whole self driving feature. To me switching from gas to electric only seems like a nominal change, but the ability for a car and my car to self drive itself, that is a zero to one improvement.

I also suppose bitcoin is similar. The reason why bitcoin is zero to one improvement is that superficially, bitcoin seems like digital gold or digital money or whatever. But in truth, it seems much more than that. Bitcoin is a 021 innovation and new creation, a truly new creation, and I think maybe the reason why people have such a difficult time Understanding what it is that it has never existed before.

Can you imagine explaining this to your mom; before the Internet was created? Or, if your mom or grandma never owned an iPhone before?

Photography and digital photography, going from film photography to digital photography might have been 1000, or 10,000 X of an improvement. But the difference between going from no camera to having a camera is the zero to one moment. 

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