Digital “cash”?

Gold as money that nobody can print 

Proof and verification

Difficulty adjustment

100,000,000 Satoshis

Keep stacking those Satoshis

It can’t even be interrupted

Hard to kill

Strong people are harder to kill?

Maybe the point is just to not be killed? Or not able to be killed?


The difficulty of producing new coins  

Digital scarcity

Copying versus sending

Absolute scarcity 

Inflation schedule is immutable

Real cost versus fake cost? Real cost include time effort and labor

When people continue to hold the currency the value goes up?

The more people who hold the higher value 

The more hodler’s, the batter

Bitcoin as a store value, not as a medium of exchange

Making money with bitcoin through processing fees?

The more volatile, the more fun and interesting

A life without volatility is not a life worth living

The more volatility in life, the more fun and better life?

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