Unemployment & Dearth of Sound Money

I have a theory: perhaps the reason why unemployment is so high is that individuals are no longer tempted to work these meaningless jobs, in exchange for flaccid fiat currency. Once again note, now at McDonald’s, because the minimum wage in Los Angeles has been raised from $16 an hour to $20 an hour, overnight, Anyone with half a brain working at McDonald’s! This is insane!

Also, overnight, the price of goods and food has shot up! ample, a single burger patty at Shake shack only used to be $1.50, now, after the minimum wage hike, suddenly overnight, the purchasing power of my US dollar has become extremely devalued, a single burger patty is $2.50!!! This is an inflation of a dollar, overnight!!

This is bad news. Raising the minimum wage from $16 an hour to $20 an hour for fast food workers, is insane. Don’t these fools know that artificially increasing the minimum wage will eventually just make rent prices, housing prices, and all food prices, gas prices go up? 

“The cause of waves of unemployment is not ‘capitalism’ but governments denying enterprise the right to produce good money.”
—Friedrich Hayek”

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

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