Radiation is Power

Obvious Decisions are Obvious

Hedge, Barbell

 understanding human conditions under scarcity to improve their conditions

 governments should not run the economy

 i’m glad I didn’t study economics and came up with my own economic theories by myself. 

Scientism, Fake Certainty

 virtually uninterrupted global growth

Bitcoin can help drive virtually uninterrupted global growth?

Standard of value

International price mechanism

Currency manipulation?

Nationalism is bad

Economic Nationalism

All war is unproductive

Just leave people alone


The laws of economics –> can we really make it like physics?


Bitcoin as digital energy

Double spend problem –> law of conservation of energy

Digital music file … or is it digital energy?

Not conservative …



Non conservative in the universe

What is energy

Energy is conservative ***

What is energy? Electricity, sound, metal, glass, granite

Everything is energy in universe

Think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration

Political energy

Convert into work. Property, energy etc..

Heat exchange *

Make it into matter or property or work

Non conservative and can get work done

Can be converted into matter or energy

Digital Gold

What is gold?

–> gold is a property. Property is low frequency money –> sits in vault, sits for 30 years and stable

Mid frequency –> YEN


yen is weaker than USD


Radiation in cyberspace

Sun –> radiation

Music is acoustic energy flowing to you to make you happy

Acoustic energy can be a weapon

Kinetic to potential energy


Coal, oil

I’ll pay you a million satoshis a second to listen to my mouth move

SHINE THE light in cyberspace

I shower money at you


Radiate satoshis at people

What’s gravity?

Can I create gravity?

Speed and velocity

10,000 satoshis to deposit a comment … cost for kinetic energy which is potential energy

Change your energy situation

What is orbit?

A bank is an astronomical body

My cyber body loan, smart contract

… create new forms of energy?

Give me $100M satoshis

I will exchange one form of energy for another form of energy

Competing Ideas

–> significance of all of that?

Create a new class using lightning badges –> marketing apps?

Streaming sats for their attention

Keep stacking those sats

You Can’t die in cyberspace


A lightning bank?

Duplicate friction

Digital speed bumps or limits

6 comments were bots

In a world without friction or consequences, I cam send a million bots

Steel has more energy than drywall

What is doxing

Capital is energy


Adiabatic lapse

Oil doesn’t decay

Electricity in battery does

Conserve energy

Don’t suck out oxygen from the room! ***

don’t stay in the room … suffocate or freeze to death

Don’t freeze to death


Positive capital. Negative working capital?

How to borrow a B?


Economic security?

Paradigm shifts is biggest things

Can you rent out Bitcoin?

Pure digital capital

Gravity, friction , orbital mechanics

The next version of the energy

First order ignorance

Virtual vs real


Cryptographic energy

Digital Capital?

Radiation is good for us

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