Money Thinking

Flat society 

Cotton is actually very warm? 

No coverings?

Why Running is Nonsense

Just read and study that which personally interests you.

Isn’t everyone interested in money?

Money as a social technology

“The public authority”

Drive Less, Live More.






New workout philosophies?

Just workout when you feel like it!


Value of money changing?




The pope?

War & plunder



Money without man is worth nothing at all ***

Man must hunt money

Value is relative


Bitcoin is Money


Is the purpose and the goal to use your Bitcoin or not?

Take your money abroad, or keep it here?

Wiser and more vigorously

Tyranny & Money?

Fraud, deception?


Just be vested in that which you believe in! Belief & Money

Buyers are richer than sellers?

Better merchandise

Benefit for society?

Spurred by personal curiosity ***


The price of grain, or wine, or oil is indeed a great thing; still greater are those of land, homes, leases, Interest, and exchange.*

Doing well?

men always think they are doing well simply because they are doing something,

do “nothing”–

Todonothingisoftenquite praiseworthy and useful, but it is otherwise most dif­ ficult and much more laborious to accomplish than it seems.

Don’t “do” harm —

Just do what you like!


They infer from this that gold was to copper as
100 to 9; from which the world has yet to draw the most
absurd and incorrect conclusions.

Armor pure copper ?

Were it not so alien to my purpose, I would demonstrate here that the armor of both was made of pure copper.

Gold dust, Herodotus


Arms alone had value **

Wealth distributed by plunder

Gold coins were very pure.


Bitcoin is pure — doesn’t require ethereum or ERC-20?


By com­ paring these three laws, the ratio of gold to silver
is found to have been 1 to 14 2/5; that of gold to cop­ per, 1 to 1450; and of silver to copper, 1 to 100.

Gold to copper: 1 to 1450****

Gold to silver: 1 to 14 2/5,,, silver to copper (1 to 100)


Ratio of Bitcoin to USD?

Good to have both Bitcoin AND USD!

The value of “coins”?


Variation in customs or fashions

Clipping ?

Building bitcoin mining rig?


Vellon coin useless

People say that bitcoin is useless… But technically isn’t the US dollar also useless?

Money lost by war?

What happens to money which simply lies dormant in PayPal, random bank accounts, US dollars and hundred dollar bills stuffed inside a sock drawer? 




True utility vs Fraud

There is little gain In copper


The longevity of bitcoin– been around at least 10 years?