Game changers film produced by him —
James Cameron, the acclaimed director known for his work on movies like “Titanic” and “Avatar,” produced a vegan-themed documentary titled “The Game Changers.” This documentary was created in collaboration with Louie Psihoyos, a National Geographic photographer and Oscar-winning director for “The Cove,” and James Wilks, a mixed martial arts champion. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival to critical acclaim.
“The Game Changers” is a revolutionary film that challenges common myths about meat, protein, and strength. It follows James Wilks, an elite Special Forces trainer and winner of “The Ultimate Fighter,” on his quest to uncover the optimal diet for human performance. The documentary features a variety of elite athletes, special ops soldiers, visionary scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes. It explores how a plant-based diet impacts athletic performance and overall health.
James Cameron’s involvement in this documentary aligns with his advocacy for environmental sustainability and plant-based diets. “The Game Changers” received praise for its compelling storytelling and groundbreaking science, offering a new perspective on the impact of animal foods in diets, especially for athletes oai_citation:1, New Vegan Documentary by Legendary James Cameron oai_citation:2,The Game Changers Official Film Website | Documentary oai_citation:3,James Cameron’s Vegan Documentary Praised by Sundance Film Festival Attendees.
In 2020, Ingredion Incorporated acquired the remaining portion of Verdient Foods from James Cameron and his wife, Suzy Amis Cameron. Verdient Foods, founded by the Camerons in 2017 in Canada, was initially a joint venture with Ingredion. The acquisition enabled Ingredion to expand its manufacturing capability and cater to the growing consumer demand for plant-based foods.
The acquisition was part of Ingredion’s strategic investment to build a leadership position in consumer-preferred plant-based proteins. This move was aligned with global food industry trends and the increasing demand for sustainable and plant-based food solutions. As a result of the acquisition, Ingredion operated two facilities in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan, specializing in producing a range of pulse-based concentrates and flours from peas, lentils, and fava beans.
James Cameron and Suzy Amis Cameron have been advocates for sustainable food systems and have made significant contributions to the plant-based food industry through their investments and initiatives. This acquisition by Ingredion was seen as a step forward in expanding and improving the functionality of pulse-based ingredients and supporting the growth of plant-based protein markets globally oai_citation:1,The Game Changer: James Cameron’s Company Verdient Foods to be Fully Acquired by Ingredion – vegconomist – the vegan business magazine oai_citation:2,Film director James Cameron sells Verdient Foods to Ingredion.
James Cameron, the renowned filmmaker, and his wife, Suzy Amis Cameron, have ventured into the vegan food industry by investing in an organic pea protein processing plant. This initiative led to the formation of Verdient Foods Inc., which is located in Vanscoy near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Verdient Foods, once fully operational, is expected to handle 160,000 tonnes of organic pea protein, becoming the largest facility of its kind in North America.
The Camerons have a history of involvement in environmental and plant-based initiatives. For instance, Suzy Amis Cameron founded MUSE, the first plant-based school in the U.S., and has been involved in other plant-based and environmental activities. James Cameron, on his part, has been a vocal advocate of plant-based diets and has even worked on a vegan documentary.
Their investment in Verdient Foods is part of a broader $140 million investment in collaboration with Ingredion, a global ingredients company. This partnership aims to expand into a range of plant-based proteins, including the development of pea protein isolates and pulse-based flours. The funding is expected to support various projects including the Camerons’ facility in Saskatchewan and an Ingredion factory in Nebraska.
The Camerons’ investment in Verdient Foods and their other plant-based endeavors reflect a growing trend towards plant-based diets, seen as a sustainable alternative to meat-based diets, especially in the context of feeding a growing global population. Their efforts align with the increasing consumer preference for vegan protein and the predicted rise in the global plant-based food market, which is expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2022 oai_citation:1,Filmmaker James Cameron Participates in $140 Million Vegan Pea Protein Investment With Ingredion oai_citation:2,Avatar Director James Cameron Launches New Vegan Protein Company | News | LIVEKINDLY.