Apartment Living is Better Living

OK, several things:

First, it is so easy to pop in and out. To me my greatest gratitude in life, especially being here in Culver City in the arts District is I could literally exit my apartment door, and boom, I’m in the middle of the city.

Second, one of the upsides of living an apartment, even if you were a crypto trillionaire is that life is much simpler and more straightforward. For example, maintenance. When something breaks, assuming that you have a good landlord, shout out to my landlord Mike Tatum, we can literally text message him, or just call him real quick, and he sends one of his handyman to come over, same day, to immediately fix our washer and dryer or whatever that breaks.

I can’t be fucked wasting time on YouTube and trying to figure out how to do it myself

This is phenomenal because for example, we had this issue which are all in one washer and dryer was broken, was leaking water, and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong. We messaged our landlord, Mike, and he immediately sent out one of his handyman to come, I think his name is Casey, and he said he fixed literally “hundreds of these”, drove three minutes to the nearby hardware store, bought a new filter, pulled out the whole machine, disconnected all of the water and electricity and stuff, and immediately fixed it.

This was such an insanely huge relief because three days without a working washer and dryer was nightmare. Especially having a kid, Seneca at age 3; typically we do laundry every single day, or every other day.

in fact, I think one of the secrets to successful modern day living is having an in unit washer and dryer, literally this might be the most critical thing. Why? I think money is only useful when it could help you save time and labor; and also, not having to plan your life around laundry.

Under no circumstances will I ever live in a condominium, or an apartment, irregardless of how cheap or nice, if I have to use a washer and dryer that is outside of my house or apartment, this is terrible.

“Set it and forget it!”

One of the great benefits of having a combined all in one washer and dryer is that you could just throw in your clothes, put it in detergent, set it, push the button, and boom, within three hours it is all done! Even though it takes much longer to do it this way, one of the greatest benefits is that You don’t have to deal with the issue of waiting for your laundry to finish and then having to put it into the dryer afterwards. To me this is such a great time saving thing because being able to streamline things, and remove steps is one of the best ways to live a more seamless and streamlined life.

For example, we got this “chef man” air fryer, and it might be one of the best inventions of all time. Why? I could just put in some ground meat or food or whatever, throw it in, cover it with aluminum foil for easier cleanup, push a button, and boom, in 10 minutes I don’t even have to watch it, it is done! Anything that needs to be watched too closely adds complication, or disjunctions in your living workflow.

Therefore I wonder if this is a good idea:

Better for it to take longer, but require less watching, thab something that is finished quickly, and requires many steps.

Once again, better to have a combines, hybrid, all in one washer and dryer thing, that takes three hours, rather than a separate washer and dryer, with the washer taking 20 minutes, in the dryer taking 45 minutes, but requires the additional step of having to wait for the washer to finish, having to set a time or having to check up on it, and then having to manually load it into the other machine and pushing another button.

Fewer steps, better living.

There is no virtue of doing it yourself

I think one of the weird biases is that somehow, if you do the work yourself, you do the labor yourself, it has seen as “virtuous“. No. In the past, only slaves did this type of maintenance work.

Straightforward prices

There seems to be this weird tension between landlords and renters. On one hand, if you are a renter, you always secretly wish that you were a landlord. However being a landlord, comes with a lot of stress and annoyances, having witnessed Cindy‘s mom, and Cindy‘s older sister have to deal with these degenerate tenants who end up squatting the house illegally, trashing the place, and having to kick them out is a huge pain in the butt.

Also some horror stories; apparently there is some weird laws in which you built an additional drawing unit in the back, and then you rent one out, and someone else is renting the front house, there is a weird legal clause in which the front renter could get angry about it, and then refused to pay rent, because somehow doing that breaches some sort of legal agreement? It seems that if you are a savvy renter, you could actually milk the system in your benefit.

What do you really want out of life?

I think one of the best things about living abroad, no madding around, living in Vietnam, Saigon, Japan and Kyoto, Osaka, other places etc.… If you realize how Americans, standardize American thinking is so basic:

Strive to make a bunch of money, advancing your career, collect a higher salary, get promotions, get higher titles whatever… Buy a nicer car, upgrade your car or whatever, eventually, save enough money to put a down payment on a nice house, or better yet… Hopefully having enough cash to buy it in all cash.

Therefore it seems that the American is only centered around two things: his car and his home.

You cannot take your home, your house, your property, your land, your car with you

Reading Galliani on money, onr of the interesting things he says is that with money, it is superior to land property possessions etc. because you could take it with you. It is transportable.

Having a Swiss bank account in your pocket.

This is where to a certain extent bitcoin is kind of interesting to me because bitcoin has no borders. Apparently people in Africa love bitcoin because lot of African nations are dysfunctional, nobody put any faith in the local currencies.

The US dollar runs the world

I am not one of those weird crypto anarchists who want to suddenly see the abolition of the entire financial system. I like America, in fact, I love America!

The good thing with the US dollar, is that it is legible. It don’t matter what other type of currency you have, there is nothing more recognizable than the cash money US dollar icon. The S with the two lines going through it.

Why is the US dollar currency an S with two lines going through it

The symbol for the US dollar, written as $, is believed to have evolved from the Spanish Peso symbol. In the 18th century, the Spanish Peso, also known as “Spanish dollar” or “pieces of eight,” was widely used in the American colonies. The Peso’s symbol was a “P” with an “S” written over it for “pesos.” Over time, the symbol evolved, with the “P” gradually becoming simplified to a single vertical line, resulting in the familiar “$” symbol we know today. This symbol eventually became associated with the U.S. dollar, which was adopted as the country’s standard unit of currency after the American Revolution.