Builders vs Users

A concept that I got from Cindy; builders vs users. Builders & Users

One interesting thought I have is that in the context of a lot of things in life and in the world etc.… The difference between being a user versus a user.

For example, one of the most eye-opening things and experiences is going to the Home Depot, and actually seeing in real life how cheap everything is. To me this is so critical, for example getting a brand new gas range oven thing, a good whirlpool brand is only $900 USD! Or $1000! For the price of a new iPhone, you can get a brand new range?

Or even something that I find very important and useful; a washer and dryer, especially in today’s world. I see that LG has a new wash combo all in one, an integrated washer and dryer, a single unit for only $2000 USD? This is legitimately a simple thing that can make your life 1 trillion times better.

In modern day life, one of the big issues is having to simply wash and dry your clothes. If you have to plan your life around doing laundry, your life sucks.

Or another modern day luxury which is super nice, having a brand new fridge and freezer; a brand new LG freezer fridge is only $2000 USD!

I have never owned property before, never owned a house or condo etc.… I think one of the annoying things is that you cannot just buy yourself these brand new appliances, and get it installed whatever. But, it can and maybe be the best investment you can make, to legitimately improve the quality of your life.

Also, something that I spend a lot of time in is the kitchen, so for me, having a nice ass kitchen is critical for me. Ideally it would be all white, some sort of fake marble, white granite etc.

Also the sink. To me the sink is insanely critical because it is the thing you use every single day, all day every day. 99.99% of sinks suck.

Another thing I am randomly passionate about is bathrooms and toilets. Once again, you spend a lot of your life in your time on a toilet and on the toilet; don’t you want a nice ass toilet? And also, specifically a toilet which is easy to clean by yourself?

No maids, no house maids , no servants, just do it yourself

Another big thing is that it is not good, I don’t believe it to be good to have servants, slaves, maids, cleaners or whatever. Why? Honestly it is easier to just do the work yourself. Faster cheaper, more efficient.

The problem with having a maid or a cleaner or whatever is that you have to plan your life around them. And also this weird funny bias is this; if you know that your maid or your cleaner is coming in a few days, you actually have motivation and an incentive to not clean up, because you have to justify paying somebody else for doing the dirty work for you.

My simple tip is just keep a simple oil cleaner all surface Myers spray on the toilet seat, on top, with a roll of toilet paper or paper towels, and keep it as clean as humanly possible.

Also one thing that I am very curious about; how can you design a toilet which doesn’t get any annoying pee splatter all over the place?