every disaster causes the prices of things to rise.
Because this is not different from abundance, it not only endures, but also attracts peoplefromabroadinthehopeofgain. Thisbrings new wealth with it and because of the abundance of moneycauses prices to rise even more.
The poor cannot pay a great deal for things, even if they should wish to.
Irony — scarcity sometimes brings low prices with it, and plenty high prices.
Scarcity a little of something can bring low prices and plenty of something is sometimes high prices? A paradox?
that mag nificence of expenditures which is bom of opulence and
of a rapid turnover of money
Opulence and rapid turnover of money
Poverty , gold?
Duties, increase of duties ?
Matching — As the prices of things rise, the proportion between the value of things and the excises on them is no longer the same. This compels the prince to raise taxes, in order not to fail, and in order to achieve the new proportion.* Consequently, this is not a true increase; it is simply a matching.
Proportions of money — purchasing power parity?
At the time of Alfonso,all of our taxes were abolished and re duced to fifteen carlini a fuoco.*‘~^’ Today, besides
taxes, we pay fifty-two carlini a fuoco. Fools long
for those days. The present is painful to them. What
wretches! Evidence can be provided to show that money is at least seven times cheaper now than it was then;
fifteencarliniofthosedaysareworthmorethanone hundred carlini today.
The price of one bitcoin today vs 30 years from now?
A duty is a part of the possessions of some private individual which the prince takes and then disburses.
In other words, duties are by their na tureneitherharmfulnorbeneficial.
Industry vs the idle, troubled and undeserving
This is because the reward of the indus trious and honest becomes greater the more harsh is the pain suffered by the idle, troubled, and undeserving.
Incentives for sloths
In the first place, the slothful are not provided with enough incentive, the deserving are insufficiently rewarded, and the state carries a lighter burden with much greater discomfort, like a horse carrying a load which is suspended primarily from his “ears.
Foreigners who desire to enrich themselves then leave?