New Thoughts

A beautiful horizon awaits you:

Make me new again 

OK it is currently about to be the New Year’s, no wait it is already the new years. I still say Happy New Year’s to everybody I meet, up until maybe mid or end of February. Why? I suppose the upside of being Asian, thinking of the Asian new year, lunar new year, and also… Everybody likes the idea that they could always work on their own personal New Year’s resolutions, indefinitely.

Why does this matter and why is this critical?

First and foremost, my practical thought is that with the new is optimism. Without the new, none of this can exist. The world cannot exist without new ideas, new thoughts, new artistic creations, new children, etc.

The funny thing with a New Year’s resolution is this: a resolution… You resolve to do something. What does this really mean? 

First, when you resolve to do something, what does this mean?

In terms of practical thinking, does this mean that you look at a part of yourself your personality your character or whatever… You don’t like it, finally you make a stand to do something different?

is a New Year’s resolution a capitalistic notion?

Certainly yes. I think the whole cult of self-improvement is predicated on the fact that capitalism, progress, what it means to be modern etc. has to deal with ever improvement. The thought that if you don’t improve, you are actively singing against the Holy Spirit or something.

I am currently reading Fernandinho Galliani’s treatise on money (DELLA MONETA), and his insights are insanely wise. Yet, at the end of every chapter summary, he still says that money, the society of man and the world and happiness and joy and whatever is still based on the providence of God.

In regards to religion, Abraham religions, etc.… I think religion should better be seen as a system of morals, ethics, culture and customs, and also, legal pragmatics, legal law, etc. I don’t think religion should be taken literally. I think anybody who takes religion literally is shortsighted at best. And uncritical.

Even something interesting I learned is that apparently Jewish people, Jewish culture, all of them… Actually are very very critical thinkers. Apparently rabbis and the such take great pains to analyze the Torah, the Hebrew Jewish Bible, and don’t really take it at face value.

Even doing some  independent research myself, using ChatGPT for, booking around on Wikipedia, seeing some sort of translations of the Jewish Bible Torah, book of Genesis etc.… some interesting finds include the drunkenness of Moses,  and also this one Israeli Jewish scholar who uncovered this alternate history of Moses being that essentially that Moses was first and Egyptian, maybe the illegitimate son of some pharaoh or whatever, and actually tried to overtake his throne, lost, was exiled, then took his people to the chosen land.

Anyways regardless, I don’t think any of this really matters too much. What matters to me is this:

The reason why Jewish people are so successful, and also successful in America is because they are critical thinkers.

For example, a lot of academics, a lot of Jewish academics, even I think Jared diamond who wrote guns germs and steel… His last name is diamond, which probably means that his ancestors were maybe diamond merchants? And I think he might be Jewish or Jewish American or something?

A lot of these “white” male academics that people love to criticize and critique, a lot of them are actually Jewish, Jewish American, or even… Have some Jewish lineage or blood three generations ago.

Even if you could have a super standard last name Anderson; which seems to be the Apex of “whiteness”, I’ve actually uncovered that there are some Anderson’s that may be three or four generations ago, someone’s grandfather was Jewish.

And our Jewish people “white“? According to my critical analysis and research, help with ChatGPT 4 the paid premium one,  jewish people can be considered “white“, typically if they are of Eastern European Ashkenazi Jewish descendants. But also, the funny nuance is that… In America, once upon a time, a lot of Eastern European Jewish people were not considered “white”, for example the Polish, the Russians, any Slavic people or nations. Even the notion of “slave” I think is descended from the notion of “Slavic“.

Becoming less racist?

Don’t hate me because you’re so poor!

Another reason why I think people are so anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic, whatever is that typically, the custom of Jewish people is that they are very good with money, which means, they don’t waste it foolishly.

Even when I look at the real rich people, not the ones driving around these stupid cars, but the ones that have the $50 million mansions somewhere in the mountains or the hills or on top of Palos Verdes, they have super fucking nice houses, and shitty cars. 

For example, the really really really really rich people a lot of them, even my brother-in-law‘s family, all of Them Just Dr., Ford fusions, which is actually a very good car, and more recently, even though they are big investors in Tesla, they own a lot of Tesla stock, and have made most of their wealth through Bedding on Tesla 100%, and making a big, they just drive super super basic Tesla model three cars, the most base edition, no options added. Even my brother-in-law Gabe, he just got a new car which is just a super base Tesla model three, white, black interior, the lowest range.

Real rich vs fake rich? 

The reason why I think this is so important is that honestly, considering that the whole world runs on capitalism, and yes we are all implicated, doesn’t matter if you are a hippie munching on “plant-based “foods, as long as you still go to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, own an iPhone, watch YouTube, have Instagram, Facebook, whatever… Or even you have a telephone number and a home address somewhere… You are part of the capitalistic system.

I think the problem about capitalism is the promise of happiness, and also false appearances. The simple formula typically is this:

if you become rich wealthy, financial independent, no longer need to work or whatever… Have no more cares concerns or stress in life, you can be ever blissfully happy, retire on some sort of desert island somewhere, sit martinis all day, and enjoy your “influencer“ lifestyle.

Just build it

A new ethos I got is this: just build it, build it yourself.

I’m starting to even think… Maybe it is a good idea to just change your oil oil. Why? First and foremost you can use the best oil there is, mobil 1 full synthetic.  Second, there is a sense of pride and ownership, even though it is probably 50 times less efficient. In fact, the new luxury and privilege and elite is this:

To be able to squander your time. 

For example, one of the funniest good bad movies that I’ve ever watched is the Justin Timberlake movie “in time“. Essentially the general gist an idea is that in this dystopian future, the true currency is time. Poor people and rich people are separated by metaphorical highways called “time zones“ (puns intended haha)– and the privilege of the rich is that they are able to walk really really slow and kill time.

In fact, the rich are mostly just bored, and are trying to find ways of killing time. And the way they kill time is going to the casino in gambling with time, having 1 million years in the vault, and this time thing is just embedded into your wrist and your body.

What is the difference between rich people and poor people?

Rich people walk different — Cindy

One of the funniest things that I’ve noticed when in a ultra luxury hotel in Tokyo, the real real real rich people walk different; they walk insanely slow, upright, chest up, high self-esteem. And the funny thing is that even a lot of the Shorty guys, successful short guys, walk with an air of confidence and superiority which even some working class tall people don’t. For example, a lot of people assume that just because you’re tall you have high self-esteem, but that is actually not really true. A lot of guys who I met who are really tall have poor health and physiology, they are perpetually hunched over, have insanely poor posture.

A simple strategy I have to fix your posture is due standing and walking exercises with weights.

For example, just buy a 400 pound sandbag on Amazon or Titan fitness or on rogue fitness, loaded up with some playground sand, just go to the local playground and steal some sand, or just buy some playground sand from Home Depot, lift it up and see how far you could walk it back. Also similar speaking what you could just do is see whether you could shoulder it; which is pick up the heavy sandbag, and try to thrust it on top of your shoulder. And then walk it out.

Another innovation I have is this notion of a dead lift walk, or even a squat walk, or at least lift walk. The general idea is you just unwrap the weight, carry it on your shoulders, walk back a little bit, and then walk back and put it back. or with a dead lift walk, just put the barbell a little bit higher on the wreck, unreacted like you’re doing a rack pull, walked it backwards, and then walk it back and place it back.

I think the reason why this is such a good exercise is this is what I have eventually discovered: any sort of exercise in which you’re lying on your back or sit is not good. This includes benchpress, dumbbell press, shoulder press, military press etc.

Also the funny thing is I found that any pressing motion is bad; isn’t it called weight lifting, not weight pressing? 

My New Year’s resolution? 

Don’t say nothing bad, don’t verbalize anger.

OK in terms of family relationships, whether you with your wife or your spouse or whatever, or maybe even your kid… Better to be stoic and keep your mouth shut, rather than say what is on your mind.

When in doubt, keep your mouth shut.

To me, this is a superior mode of doing things because, it is difficult to ascertain what it means to be “good” person, or to be a good husband or father or whatever… But it is easier to ask entertain what it means to be a bad father, a bad husband.

A bad husband yells at his wife, gets violent or angry, whether physically or verbally. As a child who witnessed domestic abuse from my father to my mother, both verbally and also Mentally ..