Month: December 2023

  • Traffic School Notes

    Over the shoulder  Undistracted driving  The law vs pragmatic sense  It might save your life. Save time  Orange sign — warnings. *** Speed limit when driving in an alley: 15mph What is the speed limit in school zone California? 25mph What is it called when a police officer slows down the freeway and drives across…

  • Hide and conceal your physique or reveal it?

    My primary issue and critique of a lot of modern day clothing, baseball caps, hats, beanies, facial coverings, sunglasses, facial hair, hoodies and flannels or whatever… Is that they hide and conceal your form, rather than reveal it. At the end of the day, the best outfit is naked. If you’re a man, topless, and…

  • The privilege of money

    Being able to pay a $555 running through a right turn on a red ticket, via those stupid traffic cameras, and being able to pay it without thinking for a second

  • Time is more valuable than money

    Whenever possible, like you got traffic ticket or whatever, better to pay the fine then have to deal with the time waste of going to court. And just do the online driving school online.

  • Can you matte black your front license plate?

    OK, looks like a lot of these guys who live in LA don’t even put a license plate in front of their cars, especially if they are driving or Ferrari or Lamborghini or whatever. Even a Tesla. First, it seems that nobody cares. The cops don’t really seem to care, CHP probably doesn’t really care…

  • Think Goretex

    Specifically, military grade clothing


    Anyone who invokes religion, religiosity behind things is a bad actor.


    Also alcohol.


    Super fucking warm and temperature regulating?


    My niggas dressed in ALL SAINTS — Pusha T Who owns All Saints? Lion Capital LLP— the Brits Jimmy Choo? AllSaints, the London-based fashion retailer, is owned by Lion Capital LLP, a British private equity firm. Lion Capital specializes in investments in the consumer sector and has a portfolio that has included well-known consumer brands…

  • SKILL.

    It takes more skill to live a good life in America, the states, LA than it is to live abroad.

  • Freud?

    Sigmund Freud .. only around 100 years ago … much more influential than we think he is? Psycho analysis …. psychoanalyze

  • Fetish etymology

    A “fetish”— religious objects for worship? Irrational religious practices. Facticius— made by art, artificial? A fetish as charm or sorcery… 15-16th century Portuguese to analyze objects worshipped by indigenous people in West Africa? Irrational magical or spiritual powers? Tell More about fetish idea evolution in the west and America


    Hmmm this weird bias — You are permitted to go to a car show, open all the hoods, doors, trunk whatever and show off your engine, interior whatever … but we are not allowed to walk around topless, showing off our bodies, our muscles, our own nudity and bodies in the flesh?

  • Ferrari is Cool.

    Purosange Yellow background, black emblem?

  • Activity

    Even not a bad idea to “go on a drive”! A virtuous life implies activity, but activity may be speculative as well as practical. Those are wrong who regard the life of a practical politician as degrading. But again they are wrong who treat political power as the highest good. heg— to drive. What drives…

  • Picture: The Art of Painting

    Pingo: “I paint” peyk

  • Image Builder

    Image means: Imago, imagine, copy … imitate. Imitor. Imitation. Heymo *ima— copy

  • The Camera as Instrument

    Instrument — a tool or thing which *builds*! Image builder.


    iPad Pro, split screen, ChatGPT 4 and beyond —

  • The Summum Bonum for individuals and states

    Before constructing the ideal state we must know what is the most desirable life for states and individuals. True happiness flows from the possession of wisdom and virtue, and not from the possession of external goods. But a virtuous life must be equipped with external goods as instruments. Instruo— to build. Instrument — to build.

  • “Political Science”

    How I research: in a Democracy the Many are also the poor, in an Oligarchy the Few are also the wealthy. Rich vs Poor? The best men alone are citizens The Middle Class? The middle class is stronger in large than in small states.

  • The Forms of Monarchy

    Of Monarchy. there are five kinds, (1) the Spartan, (2) the Barbarian, (3) the elective Dictatorship, (4) the Heroic, (s) Absolute Kingship. Monarchy arose to meet the needs of primitive society; it is now obsolete and on various grounds objectionable. “Primitive” Society? Primus— First. *per— before, in front. Let us consider the origin and nature…

  • Critics vs Judges

    The good critic need not be an expert; experts are sometimes bad judges. There is something in the claims advanced by the wealthy, the free born, the noble, the highly gifted. A state should consist of men who are equal, or nearly so, in wealth, in birth, in moral and intellectual excellence. In praise of…

  • Extreme Democracy is Bad

    Democracy is the rule of the poor; oligarchy is that of the rich. Aristotle is so wise!!! Democrats take Equality for their motto; oligarchs believe that political rights should be unequal and proportionate to wealth. But both sides miss the true object of the state, which is virtue. Those who do most to promote virtue…

  • The Goal of Politics

    In politics, the goal is to help people, not just the leader.

  • The Point of the State?

    The aims of the state are two: to satisfy man’s social instinct, and to fit him for the good life. Political rule differs from that over slaves in aiming primarily at the good of those who are ruled. Political leaders aim to do what’s best for the people, unlike rulers of slaves who focus on…

  • Citizen?

    Anti laborer or craftsmen — the mechanics. In this context, Aristotle’s use of “mechanics” in his discussion of citizenship in the “best state” reflects his view on the role and status of different classes of people in a political community. Mechanics, in ancient Greek society, typically referred to manual laborers or craftsmen. Aristotle’s political philosophy,…

  • Solon quotes

    Seek to help others, not please others. Praised by good old Aristotle:

  • The best existent states-Sparta, Crete, and Carthage

    Study the best? The Spartans cannot manage their serf population. Their women are too influential and too luxurious. Their property system has concentrated all wealth in a few hands. Hence the citizen body bas decreased. There are points to criticize in the Ephorate, the Senate, the Kingship, the common meals, the Admiralty. The Spartan and…

  • Clothing or Armor which Strikes Fear into Your Enemies?

    The Spartans wore red, red capes to strike fear into their enemies?

  • Armor of Achilles

    Why did the ancient Greeks use bronze

  • Describe armor of Achilles

    Strike fear into the heart of enemies? Near-invulnerable status. Greaves — fitted perfectly to his form, allowing both protection and agility. Not just a piece of armor but work of art. The armor of Achilles, as depicted in Homer’s epic poem “The Iliad,” is a magnificent example of ancient craftsmanship and mythological significance. Forged by…

  • 4AM

  • Why don’t people care for their bodies?

    My theory — Christian, Protestant, American culture says it is a vice to care for your body (“too much”)— Thus the will to uglification of the body. Christians — the early Christian fathers, many of them hated the body, their bodies! In a diseased body lies a diseased mind.

  • LAME.

    Just say what’s on your mind! #nofilter


    They only care for their own vanity!


    New year GoPro mini vlog

  • Muscles & Photography

    In order to become a great photographer, you require great muscles?


    Askesis — life *is* training. Askesis 1080P


    Wear brighter colors? Bright purple, pink!

  • Financial Fitness

    Essentially live like a poor person

  • JOY