Hugh Hefner quotes

Also weird …

Why doesn’t anyone think of him as a bad guy or womanizer?

His personal life and death

What was Hugh Hefner sexual preference and history and habits

Female attitude to Hugh Hefner

Quotes by women in his life on how he had sex

How hugh had coitus by woman in life.. search it

Quotes on exploit

More on drug, drug rape and plastic surgery

Which drugs

What’s a quaaludes and dexedrine

How it work pharmacology

Quaaludes (Methaqualone) and Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine) work differently due to their distinct pharmacological properties:

  1. Quaaludes (Methaqualone): As a central nervous system depressant, Methaqualone acts by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning it reduces neuronal excitability. By enhancing GABA’s effects, Methaqualone produces sedation, relaxation, and can have hypnotic properties.
  2. Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine): As a stimulant, Dextroamphetamine works by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are involved in attention, focus, and arousal. Dextroamphetamine stimulates their release and inhibits their reuptake, leading to increased alertness, concentration, and energy levels.

These differing mechanisms underline why Quaaludes are sedatives (depressing the nervous system) and Dexedrine is a stimulant (exciting the nervous system). Both have potential for abuse and side effects, necessitating careful medical supervision when used therapeutically.

Quaaludes (Methaqualone) and Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine) are two distinct types of drugs:

  1. Quaaludes (Methaqualone): Originally developed as a sedative and hypnotic medication, Quaaludes became popular as a recreational drug. They produce sedative and euphoric effects, leading to relaxation and a feeling of well-being. However, due to their high potential for abuse and dangerous side effects, they were banned in many countries by the 1980s.
  2. Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine): This is a stimulant medication primarily used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It increases focus, attention, and energy levels. In medical settings, it’s used under strict supervision due to its potential for abuse and dependency. Recreational use can lead to heightened energy and euphoria, but also carries significant health risks.

Quaaludes, cocaine, and dexedrine are drugs with distinct effects:

  1. Quaaludes (Methaqualone): Historically used as a sedative and hypnotic, quaaludes became popular for their sedative and euphoric effects. They were often used recreationally for their ability to induce relaxation and a sense of well-being. However, they can also impair judgment and motor coordination.
  2. Cocaine: A powerful stimulant drug, cocaine significantly increases energy levels, alertness, and feelings of euphoria. It can also cause heightened sensations and a false sense of invincibility. Cocaine use carries a high risk of addiction and can lead to severe physical and mental health issues.
  3. Dexedrine (Dextroamphetamine): Primarily used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy, dexedrine is a stimulant that increases focus, attention, and energy levels. In a recreational context, it can produce feelings of euphoria, increased confidence, and sociability. However, it can also lead to dependency and adverse health effects with misuse.

Each of these drugs has significant effects on the central nervous system and can be dangerous, especially when misused or taken in uncontrolled environments.

The allegations regarding drug use at the Playboy Mansion, as revealed in the “Secrets of Playboy” documentary series, include:

  1. Quaaludes: Sondra Theodore, a former girlfriend of Hugh Hefner, and Holly Madison, another ex-girlfriend, claimed that quaaludes were popular at the Mansion. Hefner was accused of pretending not to be involved in hard drug use, but this was allegedly untrue oai_citation:1,Hugh Hefner’s Ex Claims She Was His ‘Drug Mule’ On Secrets Of Playboy.
  2. Widespread Drug Availability: Theodore described the Playboy Mansion as having drugs everywhere, and she claimed to have been used as a “drug mule” for Hefner oai_citation:2,Hugh Hefner’s Ex Claims She Was His ‘Drug Mule’ On Secrets Of Playboy.
  3. Collection of Drugs: Theodore also alleged that Hefner had a drawer full of drugs in his bedroom, and she was given a key to it. She was reportedly sent to pick up drugs for him on multiple occasions oai_citation:3,Hugh Hefner’s Ex Claims She Was His ‘Drug Mule’ On Secrets Of Playboy oai_citation:4,Hugh Hefner’s Ex Claims She Was His ‘Drug Mule’ On Secrets Of Playboy.
  4. Cocaine and Dexedrine: Along with quaaludes, cocaine and dexedrine were also mentioned as common drugs at the Mansion. These allegations paint a picture of a culture of drug use within Hefner’s empire oai_citation:5,Hugh Hefner’s Ex Claims She Was His ‘Drug Mule’ On Secrets Of Playboy.

These accounts highlight serious allegations of drug use and manipulation at the Playboy Mansion, contributing to a troubling picture of the environment fostered by Hugh Hefner.

The “Secrets of Playboy” documentary series brought forward numerous allegations regarding Hugh Hefner’s conduct at the Playboy Mansion:

  1. Sondra Theodore’s Account: Sondra Theodore, a girlfriend of Hefner’s from the late 1970s, described him as a “vampire” who “sucked the life out of all these young girls for decades” oai_citation:1, Secrets of Playboy ‘s Hugh Hefner Allegations Are Graphic .
  2. Cult-Like Atmosphere and Drug Use: Holly Madison, another former girlfriend, described a “cult-like atmosphere” around Hefner. Allegations included rampant drug and alcohol use, with Hefner’s influence ensuring that what happened at the Playboy Mansion remained concealed oai_citation:2, Secrets of Playboy ‘s Hugh Hefner Allegations Are Graphic .
  3. Forced Sexual Encounters and Pressured Plastic Surgery: Women reported being forced into sex with Hefner and sometimes others, often without protection. Additionally, there were allegations of women being pressured to undergo plastic surgery, and Hefner berating them over their appearance oai_citation:3, Secrets of Playboy ‘s Hugh Hefner Allegations Are Graphic .
  4. Use of Blackmail and Surveillance: Hefner allegedly used hidden cameras around the Playboy Mansion to capture photos and videos of sexual acts, which he then used for blackmail. Madison and Crystal Hefner (Hugh’s widow) confirmed the existence of such materials oai_citation:4, Secrets of Playboy ‘s Hugh Hefner Allegations Are Graphic .

These accounts depict a troubling and oppressive environment at the Playboy Mansion, far removed from the public image of glamour and consent that was often portrayed.

Several women who were involved with Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion have shared their experiences, many of which highlight exploitation and negative treatment:

  1. Holly Madison: She described the Playboy mystique as “all a lie,” suggesting that the lifestyle wasn’t about women’s empowerment but rather about breaking down women oai_citation:1,Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Empire Was Built on the Abuse of Women – Ms. Magazine.
  2. Jennifer Saginor: Growing up in the Playboy Mansion, Saginor recalled seeing dazed “girls” on the floor, indicating that the environment was not empowering but rather detrimental to women oai_citation:2,Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Empire Was Built on the Abuse of Women – Ms. Magazine.
  3. Playboy Mansion’s Reality: The “Secrets of Playboy” documentary revealed that the Playboy Mansion was a place where women were drugged and raped, with Hefner exerting control over their lives and imposing strict rules and expectations, including compulsory plastic surgery oai_citation:3,Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Empire Was Built on the Abuse of Women – Ms. Magazine.
  4. Surveillance and Control: Holly Madison also reported that Hefner used surveillance to collect compromising images of women, creating a culture of fear among those who lived there. She described her coping mechanism as heavy drinking due to the oppressive environment oai_citation:4,Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Empire Was Built on the Abuse of Women – Ms. Magazine.
  5. Linda Marchiano: Marchiano, known for her role in “Deep Throat,” was forced into bestiality, illustrating the extreme and abusive treatment some women endured oai_citation:5,Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Empire Was Built on the Abuse of Women – Ms. Magazine.

These accounts paint a picture of a culture at the Playboy Mansion that was far from the glamorous image often portrayed, highlighting serious issues of exploitation and abuse.

While specific details about Hugh Hefner’s sexual experiences are not publicly documented in explicit terms, various women who were part of his life have shared their perspectives on their relationships with him:

  1. Crystal Hefner’s Experience: Crystal Hefner, who married Hugh in 2012, initially implied that the physical aspect of their relationship was less than satisfying, though she later retracted these statements oai_citation:1,Inside Crystal Hefner’s Relationship With Hugh Hefner. She described the experience of living at the Playboy Mansion and sharing Hugh with other women, indicating that she was aware of his lifestyle and accepted it oai_citation:2,Inside Crystal Hefner’s Relationship With Hugh Hefner.
  2. Decision to Marry: Crystal explained that her decision to marry Hugh was complicated, especially considering she wasn’t the only woman in his life. This dynamic was a factor in their initial breakup before their eventual marriage oai_citation:3,Inside Crystal Hefner’s Relationship With Hugh Hefner. After they married, she noted a significant change in Hefner, claiming he treated her with respect and that their relationship improved oai_citation:4,Inside Crystal Hefner’s Relationship With Hugh Hefner.
  3. Life After Hugh’s Death: Following Hugh’s death in 2017, Crystal reflected on their marriage, expressing that she felt lost and ingrained in his world to the extent of losing her own identity. This highlights the complexities of their relationship and her dependence on him oai_citation:5,Inside Crystal Hefner’s Relationship With Hugh Hefner.
  4. “Secrets of Playboy” Documentary: The release of the “Secrets of Playboy” documentary series brought forward many stories from women involved with Hugh Hefner and the Playboy empire. Crystal mentioned feeling exploited in some ways during her time at the mansion, indicating a more complicated and nuanced relationship than what appeared publicly oai_citation:6,Inside Crystal Hefner’s Relationship With Hugh Hefner.

These accounts provide insight into the personal experiences and dynamics of Hugh Hefner’s relationships, showcasing the multifaceted nature of his interactions with women in his life.

Hugh Hefner, throughout his life and career, was quite open about his sexual preferences and history, although much of what is known comes from his own accounts, media portrayals, and anecdotes from those who knew him.

Sexual Preference

  • Heterosexual: Hefner publicly identified as heterosexual. His relationships and marriages were with women, and Playboy magazine, which he founded, predominantly featured female models catering to a heterosexual male audience.

Sexual History and Habits

  • Multiple Relationships: Hefner was known for having multiple simultaneous relationships, particularly during certain periods of his life. This was part of his public persona and something he did not shy away from discussing.
  • Marriages: He was married three times – to Mildred Williams, Kimberley Conrad, and Crystal Harris. His marriages, especially the first, were reportedly affected by his infidelity.
  • Playboy Mansion Lifestyle: The Playboy Mansion, Hefner’s residence, was famous for its parties and a libertine lifestyle. Hefner lived there with numerous girlfriends and Playmates over the years. The mansion became a symbol of his sexual openness and hedonistic lifestyle.
  • Public Statements: Hefner often spoke about sex and sexuality in interviews and writings. He presented himself as a proponent of sexual freedom and liberation, which was also a key theme in Playboy magazine.
  • Criticism and Controversy: His lifestyle and the culture he promoted through Playboy were not without criticism. Some accused him of objectifying women, while others credited him with contributing to the sexual revolution and more open discussions about sexuality.

Legacy Regarding Sexuality

  • Sexual Revolution Figure: Hefner is often associated with the sexual revolution of the 1960s. He advocated for loosening sexual norms and was a vocal proponent of sexual freedom.
  • Complex Legacy: His legacy is complex, with some viewing him as a champion of sexual liberation and free speech, while others criticize him for perpetuating a culture that objectified and commodified women’s bodies.

It’s important to note that much of what is known about Hefner’s private life comes from his self-representations and media portrayals, which can be subjective and may not provide a complete picture. His lifestyle and views were both reflective of and influential on the changing attitudes towards sexuality in the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Female attitudes towards Hugh Hefner have been varied and complex, reflecting the diverse perspectives on his influence and legacy.

  1. Criticism for Objectification: Many feminists and women’s rights advocates have criticized Hefner for objectifying women, particularly through his magazine, Playboy, which often portrayed women as sexual objects. This criticism is part of a larger discourse on the portrayal of women in media and its impact on societal views of women.
  2. Acknowledgment of Sexual Liberation: On the other hand, some women have acknowledged Hefner’s role in the sexual revolution. They see his work as having contributed to a more open discussion and expression of sexuality, which, in some views, has been empowering.
  3. Contrasting Views Among Playboy Models: The women who worked with Hefner, including Playboy models and Playmates, have expressed a range of opinions. Some have spoken fondly of him, citing his professionalism and positive impact on their careers. Others have criticized their experiences, pointing to issues of exploitation or uncomfortable encounters.
  4. Role in Civil Rights and Free Speech Advocacy: Hefner was also known for his advocacy in areas like civil rights and free speech. Some women recognize and appreciate these efforts, seeing him as a complex figure with both positive and negative aspects.
  5. Changing Perceptions Over Time: Perceptions of Hefner have also evolved over time. What was once seen as progressive or liberating in one era may be viewed more critically in another, as societal attitudes towards gender, sexuality, and women’s rights continue to evolve.

In summary, women’s views on Hugh Hefner range from critical to appreciative, reflecting the multifaceted nature of his legacy and the evolving conversation around gender and sexuality.

Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine, was a prominent and often controversial figure, known for his influence on media, culture, and sexual attitudes. His personal life was as high-profile and colorful as his professional life.

Personal Life

  • Marriages: Hefner was married three times. His first marriage was to Mildred Williams in 1949, ending in divorce in 1959. His second marriage was to Kimberley Conrad in 1989, with whom he had two sons. They separated in 1998 and eventually divorced. His third marriage was to Crystal Harris in 2012.
  • Children: He had four children – Christie and David from his first marriage, and Marston and Cooper from his second marriage.
  • The Playboy Mansion: Hefner was famous for his residence, the Playboy Mansion, in Los Angeles, which became synonymous with lavish parties and a libertine lifestyle.
  • Public Persona: He was known for his silk pajamas and smoking jacket, embodying the lifestyle promoted by his magazine. He was both criticized and praised for his open approach to sexuality and the lifestyle he represented.
  • Activism and Advocacy: Beyond entertainment, Hefner was also an advocate for various social and political causes, including First Amendment rights, sexual liberation, and civil rights.


  • Date and Cause: Hugh Hefner passed away on September 27, 2017, at the age of 91. The cause of death was sepsis secondary to an E. coli infection.
  • Legacy: At his death, Hefner was remembered as a figure who significantly influenced American culture and media. His role in the sexual revolution of the 1960s, his business successes with Playboy, and his outspoken views on social issues left a lasting impact.
  • Reactions: His death elicited a wide range of reactions, reflecting the complex and often divisive nature of his legacy. While many praised his contributions to free speech and sexual liberation, others criticized the objectification of women associated with his work.

Hefner’s life, characterized by its glamour, controversies, and impact on culture and media, continued to be a topic of interest and debate even after his passing.

Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine, was known for his provocative and often controversial statements. Here are some notable quotes attributed to him:

  1. “Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” This quote reflects Hefner’s philosophy of individualism and living life on one’s own terms oai_citation:1,TOP 25 QUOTES BY HUGH HEFNER (of 150) | A-Z Quotes.
  2. “Picasso had his pink period and his blue period. I am in my blonde period right now.” This humorous remark showcases Hefner’s well-known preference for blondes and his tendency to draw analogies between his life and art oai_citation:2,Hugh Hefner Quotes – BrainyQuote.
  3. “Sex is the driving force on the planet. We should embrace it, not see it as the enemy.” This quote illustrates Hefner’s open and embracing attitude towards sexuality, which was a central theme of his life and work oai_citation:3,Hugh Hefner Quotes to Remember Playboy Founder – Newsweek.
  4. “In my own words, I played some significant part in changing the social-sexual values of our time. I had a lot of fun in the process.” Here, Hefner acknowledges his role in the sexual revolution and the impact of his work on society oai_citation:4,Top 10 Hugh Hefner Quotes – BrainyQuote.
  5. “I’m never going to grow up. Staying young is what it is all about for me.” This quote reflects Hefner’s philosophy of youthfulness and his approach to life, which emphasized maintaining a youthful spirit oai_citation:5,65 Hugh Hefner Quotes On Success In Life – OverallMotivation.

These quotes offer a glimpse into Hugh Hefner’s mindset and the principles that guided his life and career.