After moving back to LA, maybe three months ago, and driving around town, all around the city, the politics of driving here is very interesting.

First, how can you see who the bad drivers are? Typically anybody who drives a Range Rover, a Mercedes-Benz an AMG G WAGON wagon, people who drive BMWs, BMW SUVs, and typically people driving Mercedes SUVs. Even Prius drivers!

Typically I don’t get road rage, but the big issue is now I drive a little slower, because I have Seneca in the car, who is only two years 10 months old. What people don’t understand is if you’re driving with a kid in a car, you will drive slower and more defensively.

So what to do?

First and foremost, I think generally speaking the best idea is avoid doing any maneuvers which might put your life at risk, especially the life of your kid.

Do you need to “educate” the other person?

Yes. About a month ago I was driving in Westwood, Holmby Hills, a little bit close to Beverly Hills, and I was driving normal speed limit in a residential area, 25 mph. Then some loser BMW SUV was driving super fast and trying to tailgate me, and eventually when they found an opening, tried to flex on me by speeding up really quickly, driving to the left side of the road, which is illegal, and then cutting in front of me, to show me up? I honked at them with extreme aggression.

I think we cannot criticize other people without having the courage or the chutzpah to educate them.

Tell me what you drive, and I will tell you who you are.

I always like to ask people what they drive, because the car somebody drives says a lot about them.

For example: I put zero faith in anybody who drives any sort of German or foreign cars; it’s signal some sort of insecurity.

The only people I trust are people who drive Priuses. Why? If You drive a Prius you really have nothing to prove.