Just paying somebody $20 an hour to do something is a really good idea

Let it say that you have a backyard full of junk and trash and you just literally want someone to throw it all into the dumpster. Instead of doing the hateful work yourself, if you just hire somebody, doesn’t matter if illegal immigrant, somebody from Mexico, a pro college student whatever… To just hand them $20 USD in cash, an Abe Lincoln, to spend a whole hour of their day and life to throw away the trash is a really good idea.

$20 is interesting because nowadays in two days world, the $20 bill is almost like the new one dollar bill or a new five dollar bill.

Let us consider that nowadays, a single US dollar is not worth much, or one dollar piece of paper note is annoying to carry. Five dollar bills are a little bit more convenient, but also people don’t like to deal with change. $10 bills are rare.

$20 bills are frequently dispensed at ATM machines, and also, consider how nobody ever has $50 bills, maybe $100 bills.

it seems in terms of cash money, Fiat currency, the only US dollar is being used frequently are the $20 bills or the hundred dollar bills.

For myself whenever I go to a nice restaurant or whatever, I always try to make it a point to give the server, hand-in-hand, in the flesh directly, a $20 bill instead of some fake ass tip on a credit card. A $20 bill feels more real.