To me being rich is …

Rich etymology

From Middle English riche (“strong, powerful, rich”), from Old English rīċe (“powerful, mighty, great, high-ranking, rich, wealthy, strong, potent”), from Proto-West Germanic *rīkī (“powerful, rich”), from Proto-Germanic *rīkijaz (“kingly, powerful, rich”), from Proto-Germanic *rīks (“king, ruler”), an early borrowing from Proto-Celtic *rīxs, from Proto-Indo-European*h₃rḗǵs. Reinforced by Old French riche, from the same West Germanic source.

Eric Kim’s philosophical approach to life and work, especially in photography, can be described as a blend of authenticity, continual learning, and reflection on the human experience. His philosophy is not tied to traditional academic philosophy but is deeply rooted in his practical experiences and creative pursuits.

  1. Authenticity and Existentialism: Kim’s lifestyle and work are guided by a pursuit of authenticity, a key aspect of existential philosophy. In his street photography, he captures raw, unfiltered moments of everyday life, reflecting deeper truths about the human experience. This approach is indicative of his commitment to existentialist values, emphasizing individual freedom and personal responsibility oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM DIGITAL NOMAD PHILOSOPHY – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,ERIC KIM DIGITAL NOMAD PHILOSOPHY – ERIC KIM.
  2. Integration of Photography and Life Principles: Kim’s philosophy integrates his passion for photography with broader life principles. He uses his art form not just for its technical aspects but also as a medium to explore and reflect on life and society. His study of masters in photography and other artistic fields has influenced his philosophical approach, combining artistic expression with deeper meanings and reflections on life oai_citation:3,How did Eric Kim become philosopher – ERIC KIM oai_citation:4,How did Eric Kim become a philosopher? – ERIC KIM oai_citation:5,How did Eric Kim become philosopher – ERIC KIM.
  3. Blogging and Writing: Through his blog, Kim delves into various topics that go beyond photography techniques, discussing themes like fear, happiness, and purpose. His writings often bear a philosophical nature, reflecting on life and creativity oai_citation:6,How did Eric Kim become philosopher – ERIC KIM.
  4. Continual Learning and Growth: A central element of Kim’s philosophy is the idea of lifelong learning and evolution. He views every experience, whether success or failure, as an opportunity for growth and encourages others to adopt a similar perspective oai_citation:7,ERIC KIM philosophy – ERIC KIM.
  5. Digital Nomadism and Philosophical Exploration: As a digital nomad, Kim intertwines his work and lifestyle with philosophical concepts. He explores themes such as freedom, authenticity, and the human condition through his experiences as a digital nomad and street photographer. His lifestyle as a digital nomad reflects a response to globalization and cultural diversity, adding to his philosophical discourse oai_citation:8,ERIC KIM DIGITAL NOMAD PHILOSOPHY – ERIC KIM.
  6. Quirky Philosophical Views: Kim also expresses unique philosophical viewpoints, such as the importance of balancing physical and intellectual pursuits, and a thoughtful, empathetic approach to critique oai_citation:9,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM.

Eric Kim’s rich philosophy, as gleaned from his work and writings, highlights a thoughtful and reflective approach to life and art, rooted in authenticity, continual learning, and a deep engagement with his craft and the world around him.