I don’tsell cars; I sell engines. The cars I throw in for free since something has tohold the engines in.


No one remembers who took second place and that will never be me.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Second isthe first of the losers.

Don’t think second place!

I am convinced, that when a man tells a woman he loves her, he only means that he desires her; and that the only total love in this world is that of a father for his son. !!!

The client is NOT always right.

I build engines and attach wheels to them.

I have yet to meet anyone quite so stubborn as myself and animated by this overpowering passion that leaves me no time for thought or anything else. I have, in fact, no interest in life outside racing cars.

It’s true that I have never met any man whom I thought altogether resembled me – but only because my faults are so enormous.

I married the 12 cylinder engine and I never divorced it.

The demands of mass production are contrary to my temperament…

A man has no need of entertainment. Entertainment only distracts from his duty. If a man has his duty, that is enough.

The constructor remembers all his errors…

My cars must be beautiful.

I think of myself as constantly realizing a childhood dream.

When I see a car which uses one litre or 1.2 litres of fuel for every kilometre it travels, I ask myself, ‘Is this a racing car or is it a tank wagon?’

[On John Surtees who turns up in his much-loved BMW] Beh, macchina tedesco – no, you must drive a Ferrari.

[His motto ‘Divide et imperare’] Divide and reign.

Divide et imperare (imperative, rule)

The horse was, and has remained, black, but I myself added the yellow background, this being the colour of Modena.

What has instructed all of the world’s builders of safe, efficient cars? Auto racing. Any theory, any laboratory experiment needs practical support, and only the race can offer it because during the race the driver submits the car and its parts to intense, unpredictable, unthinkable testing.

Racing drives real world normal car innovation?

Practical support! Unthinkable testing


[On rejecting a corporate merger between Ferrari and Ford] My rights, my integrity, my very being as a manufacturer, as an entrepreneur, as the leader of the Ferrari works, cannot work under the enormous machine, the suffocating bureaucracy of the Ford Motor Company!

Anti bureaucracy

[On his cars] They have more horsepower, and they don’t break down.