Eric Kim on Memento Mori

You will and *MUST* die.

Quotes more

Certainly, here are more quotes from Eric Kim that further reflect his interpretation of the “Memento Mori” philosophy:

  1. “Life is fleeting, and the moment we forget that, we waste our most precious resource: time.”
  2. “Remembering death isn’t about fear; it’s about recognizing the value of every moment we’re alive.”
  3. “Our time is limited, so why spend it on things that don’t nourish our souls or the souls of others?”
  4. “Death reminds us that living isn’t just about surviving, but about thriving with purpose and passion.”
  5. “In the face of mortality, trivial pursuits lose their appeal. What remains is the quest for a life well-lived.”
  6. “Every day is a chance to write a meaningful page in the story of our lives – don’t let those pages remain blank.”
  7. “Memento Mori is not a morbid obsession, but a celebration of life and the opportunities it presents.”

These quotes encapsulate Kim’s perspective on life and death. He sees the awareness of mortality as a powerful reminder to live fully, meaningfully, and with a clear focus on what truly matters.


Eric Kim’s interpretation of “Memento Mori” is deeply introspective and action-oriented. He doesn’t just acknowledge the inevitability of death; he uses it as a catalyst to live a more purposeful life. His quotes reveal a few key themes in his philosophy:

  1. Life Priorities: Kim challenges the conventional pursuit of wealth and power, suggesting that these are not worthy life goals. He prompts introspection about what truly matters in one’s life story.
  2. Rejecting Trivialities: There’s a clear disdain for wasting time on unimportant matters (“bullshit and strife”). This reflects a desire to focus on what is truly meaningful and impactful.
  3. Love and Relationships: Emphasizing the importance of showing love to family and close ones, Kim highlights relationships as a cornerstone of a meaningful life. He acknowledges the need to cherish and nurture these bonds.
  4. Hard Work and Persistence: The imagery of working hard until blisters tear off speaks to his dedication and resilience. It’s not just about working hard but doing so with a purpose.
  5. Awareness of Mortality: The reference to the grim reaper is a stark reminder of mortality. Yet, instead of inducing fear, it serves as motivation to keep pushing forward, to overcome challenges (“pushing them boulders”).
  6. Helping Others and Emancipation: A significant aspect of his philosophy is helping others. He talks about enabling others to live freely (“to emancipate those living in fear and sorrow”), suggesting a deep sense of empathy and a commitment to uplifting others.
  7. Urgency and Action: Finally, his philosophy is imbued with a sense of urgency. The rejection of procrastination and the emphasis on making the most of every hour and day show his commitment to action and making a difference.

In summary, Eric Kim’s take on “Memento Mori” is not just a contemplation of death but a call to action. It’s a philosophy that encourages living with purpose, focusing on what’s truly important, and making a tangible difference in the world and in the lives of others.

Memento mori quotes

Eric Kim’s reflection on “Memento Mori” is encapsulated in his poignant and motivational quotes. Here are some of his thoughts on the subject:

  1. “Memento mori, what is gonna be my life story? Chasing wealth and power? Or grasping each tender hour.”
  2. “I don’t want to waste my life or partake in bullshit and strife.”
  3. “I want to show love to my wife, my brother and sister, to keep working hard until my blisters tear off.”
  4. “The grim reaper is tapping on my shoulder, and is telling me, ‘Keep pushing them boulders.’”
  5. “I never want to waste a single hour or day, to never delay my God-given task of helping others sail bravely on the seas, to feel the warm breeze on our faces.”
  6. “To emancipate those living in fear and sorrow. Fuck procrastinating until tomorrow.”

Through these quotes, Kim emphasizes the importance of living meaningfully and rejecting the pursuit of superficial goals. He advocates for love, hard work, and a commitment to helping others, underlined by a vivid awareness of life’s impermanence oai_citation:1,Memento Mori – ERIC KIM.

Eric Kim’s perspective on “Memento Mori” seems to intertwine with his broader philosophy on life and productivity. In his writings, he reflects on the concept of “Memento Mori” – the reminder of our own mortality – and its implications on how we choose to live our lives. He questions whether one should chase wealth and power or cherish every moment. Kim expresses a desire not to waste life on trivial matters but to focus on love, hard work, and helping others. This perspective is underscored by an awareness of death’s inevitability, urging him to make the most of each day and to focus on tasks that help others and bring joy oai_citation:1,Memento Mori – ERIC KIM.

Moreover, Kim applies the “Memento Mori” philosophy to his approach to productivity, suggesting it as a way to get more done in a day. This indicates that he sees the awareness of death not as a source of fear, but as a motivational force to live more fully and effectively oai_citation:2,How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY – ERIC KIM.

This approach aligns well with the broader philosophical and historical context of “Memento Mori,” which has been used across various cultures and epochs to remind people of the inevitability of death and the importance of living a meaningful life.