Eric Kim on how to make your own website blog

Until you own you can’t be free, how we still slaves in 2016? – JAY Z


Eric Kim’s quotes on creating your own website blog emphasize the importance of self-publishing and the freedom it provides. Here are some of his key thoughts:

  1. On Starting and Publishing: “First register your own website and domain… Then, start publishing! Start publishing your photos, blog posts, and the goal is to get indexed by Google” oai_citation:1,How to Publish Yourself – ERIC KIM – EK.
  2. On Choosing a Domain: “When you register your own website domain, select a .com domain, ideally your If not,” oai_citation:2,How to Build a Blog – ERIC KIM.
  3. On Freedom and Control: “When you have your own website… you have full freedom. You have control how to build your website, how to customize it, and you can change it whenever you want” oai_citation:3,Why You Must Create Your Own Website – ERIC KIM.
  4. On the Significance of Building: “Build a website, or blog. Build your own name, your own personal brand. Build your own personal self-employment empire” oai_citation:4,BUILD! – ERIC KIM.

Kim’s advice underscores the value of owning your digital space, the importance of being discoverable through Google, and the potential personal and professional growth that comes from building and maintaining a personal website or blog.


Eric Kim, known for his expertise in photography and blogging, offers valuable advice for creating your own website blog. Here’s a summary of his recommendations:

  1. Register Your Own Website and Domain: Start by registering your website and domain. Kim suggests using services like or for this purpose. It’s important to choose a .com domain, preferably your first and last name (or with ‘photo’ added if the desired domain is taken) oai_citation:1,How to Build a Blog – ERIC KIM.
  2. Install WordPress is a widely used platform for building websites and blogs due to its flexibility and ease of use. After registering your domain, install to start creating your website oai_citation:2,How to Publish Yourself – ERIC KIM – EK oai_citation:3,Why You Must Create Your Own Website – ERIC KIM.
  3. Start Publishing and Get Indexed by Google: Once your website is set up, start publishing content like photos and blog posts. The goal is to get your site indexed by Google, which will increase your visibility in search results and help people discover your website oai_citation:4,How to Publish Yourself – ERIC KIM – EK.
  4. Customize and Control Your Website: Having your own website gives you complete freedom and control over its design and content. You can customize your website as you wish, and you have unlimited access to various plugins and tools to enhance or fix your site. This control allows you to build your personal brand and potentially create a self-employment empire oai_citation:5,Why You Must Create Your Own Website – ERIC KIM oai_citation:6,BUILD! – ERIC KIM.
  5. Consider Investing in Your Website: While many themes and tools are available for free, Kim advises that paying for certain aspects of your website, like a premium theme, can be beneficial. This investment can enhance the professional look and functionality of your site oai_citation:7,How to Build a Blog – ERIC KIM.

These steps outlined by Eric Kim provide a solid foundation for anyone looking to start their own website blog, particularly those interested in showcasing photography or other creative content.

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