Eric Kim and mom sukhee Lea Chung Eric Kim as kid

All these fake ass woke people criticizing the police the cops etc. Unless you have ever witnessed extreme physical domestic violence and abuse in your home, for example, your dad demanding the rent money from your mom, with your mom knowing that he is going to go to Reno and gamble it away, and being one rent paycheck away from being homeless… Because our family was already two or three months late in the rent. And your mom have already borrowed so much money from family members, friends, people at church and at work, and your dad grabbing the hair of your mom, slamming her face into the kitchen top counter, demanding the rent money so he can go gamble it away… fortunately, eventually the cops come and intervene; to me, cops are angels in disguise.

Pro police, pro cops.

Coach Lowe

Essentially my pseudo father figure, coach Greg Lowe, who was essentially like my pseudo dad, Mr. Miyagi, tennis coach, and overall father figure… He was a retired ex head of police I think maybe an Oakland somewhere? Through his love affection and care, I learned Directly, to love respect and venerate and respect the police, enforcement, and not to be one of these weird people who say “fuck the police”. In fact, I think anyone who says bad things about the cops, and has never ever been blessed by them, I feel bad for them, Especially in the African-American community. But, if you weren’t, why hit the police?