Smell Associations?

I think there’s a deep link between smell and emotional states, as well as memories.

For example, the smell of white vinegar, and remember eating those white vinegar potato chips as a kid. Also when I use white vinegar to clean my leg lamb roast from Costco before cooking it.

Cindy and I made a ghetto housecleaning spray out of vinegar, but in someways I don’t like it because I associate the smell of vinegar now with food.

Smell engineering?

I still have this funny smell association with this Mark Jacobs Daisy female perfume from my old ex-girlfriend. Whenever I smell it I think of her.

Or, axe body spray, middle school and teenage years and high school.

or, the scent of firewood, my memories as a Boy Scout camping around the campfire, or even the smell of detergent and floor cleaning supplies… Recalling when I was in either the seventh or eighth grade in middle school, playing at the local PC café counterstrike until late at night cleaning time.

We discount smell?

Cindy has a certain scent, as the Seneca. And apparently for myself I have this “musshi-mah” (manly) smell that my mom says I got. Maybe my smell is because I am highly masculine and full of testosterone.

One thing you cannot get on Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook is scents, smells, pheromones etc.

This is why I think that when you’re talking to a beautiful woman in the flesh, face-to-face, about an arm length distance away, there is some sort of hidden hormonal plate here, testosterone and estrogen and other things in the air. There is even this theory that when a woman is ovulating, the smell of male sweat, from vigorous physical exercise is seen as attractive.