No. I think I’m just a genius.

And when I say genius, I just mean to say somebody who doesn’t use email, doesn’t have an Instagram, doesn’t watch YouTube, doesn’t listen to any more modern-day music, doesn’t listen to podcast, off the grid.

Also fun fact; I’m pretty sure that maybe schizophrenia runs in the family, I started to see it manifest in my dad, when he started hallucinating ghost and angels and messages from a higher deity, going on weird rabbit hole conspiracy theories on Wikipedia etc. Even one of my last encounters with him, he opened up my blog, zoomed into a weird pixel, and asked me whether I saw the face?

For myself, I am insanely pure and sober. I don’t even drink alcohol or smoke marijuana! No beer, no red wine, no white wine, no liquor or spirits, no CBD or none of that nonsense. I’m almost like a Muslim person; 100% no alcohol no sober — I quit drinking alcohol maybe seven or eight years ago? Not for any moral or ethical issues, simply because I didn’t like the way it made me feel, I would get really bad headaches, migraines, it would ruin my sleep, and also I have a low tolerance for alcohol, even one or two beers I turn insanely red just like my dad.

The only drug I consume is coffee, 100% black coffee, just espresso. No cream no sugar no fake sugar no fake milk, no real milk, no coconut no oat milk, no soy milk no almond milk or whatever.

Straight up!

Also, I sleep well. Typically hit the sack at around nine to 9:30 PM, and lately been strangely waking up super early, 3:30 AM 4 AM, 4:30 AM, 5 AM, 5:30 AM 6 AM, 6:30 AM naturally. No alarm clock used in the last 15 years of my life, unless I got a wake up for an early flight.

Intermittent fasting is the secret life hack?

everyone everyone wants to optimize themselves their life their body etc. By far the simplest one, which doesn’t cost you nothing is in fasting, no breakfast no lunch, only one massive 6 pound red meat dinner a day!

For example, I really like the boneless leg lamb roast from Costco, 550 a pound. You could get a huge chunk of it, around 4.5 pounds for only 25 bucks!