How did Kanye West and Elon Musk become so fat, flabby, and weak looking?

Two of my heroes, Kanye West and Elon Musk. Last time I checked, Kanye West looked really old fat, insanely out of shape.

Also Elon Musk, topless, he look like a bleached whale.

Some theories:

  1. First, I think the problem of both Elon Musk and Kanye West is they are both either alcoholics, drink too much alcohol, or imbibe too frequently.
  2. Second, Elon Musk; I think he is almost too scientific and engineering in his mind; he doesn’t understand the notion of hormones, I see this happen a lot with people who are scientists; they think of “calories “, rather than hormonal changes, insulin etc. For example, this foolish notion of “calories in”, calories out. The idea that your body is like some sort of metabolic gasoline tank, and food is just calories, a calorie is a calorie, and as long as you exercise and “burn” off more calories, you won’t get fat.
  3. Lack of sleep? Also, lack of direct light exposure?

Elon Musk not leaving the indoor office building for three days at a time?

This is not virtuous this is foolish. To self flagellate yourself to be productive into work and stay inside an indoor fluorescent lit or LED lit interior is absolutely insane.