Quotes Eric Kim success

Eric Kim, renowned for his work in photography and entrepreneurship, offers a unique perspective on success. Here are some of his quotes:

  1. “It is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.”
  2. “80% good enough and hit publish.”
  3. “The rolling stone gathers no moss.”
  4. “Tomorrow is never.”
  5. “When in doubt, click.”
  6. Opportunity Cost and Money: Invest in experiences and personal growth over depreciating assets.
  7. High Contrast Black and White: Monochrome photography presents the world differently, making it more interesting.
  8. Constructive Critique: Learn from critiques to overcome common mistakes.
  9. Real Life as Entertainment: Disengage from digital streaming services to boost motivation and creativity.
  10. Curiosity in Photography: Shoot anything that sparks even a hint of curiosity oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM Quotes – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM oai_citation:3,Motivational photography quotes by Eric Kim – ERIC KIM.

Eric Kim, a well-known photographer and entrepreneur, often shares insights on success that blend his passion for photography with broader life lessons. In his view, success is not just about achieving goals or accumulating wealth; it’s a state of mind. He advocates for embracing uncertainty, constantly learning, and appreciating the journey as much as the destination. For Kim, success involves continuous self-improvement, creativity, and the courage to pursue one’s passions, even when faced with obstacles. His perspective encourages us to redefine success as a personal, evolving journey, where the true reward lies in growth and self-discovery.