Why do people care about money so much?

“Having money is not everything … not having it *IS* – Kanye West

So growing up poor, which essentially means we are just one paycheck away from being homeless because my dad just gambled away the rent money, means… for myself, money was a simple thing; pay rent, feed yourself, what else?

The modern day man

The new world order is free market capitalism, money, wealth accumulation, etc. No no no, Jewish people don’t run the world, rather, the notion of capitalism does.

I think one thing I have discovered is that most people have no self knowledge, no self-worth, and they externally validated themselves with numbers,, and zeros, whatever.

Also, conspicuous consumption means —

Look at me by this expensive outfit or clothes or accessory, or look at me drive this expensive car, I am so rich powerful and happy!

What would the ancient Spartans think?

600 people ruling 350,000 people?

So this morning, and yesterday, going on wiktionary.org and doing some research on Hitler, and also researching Hitler quotes with ChatGPT 4; it was insanely interesting that he actually mentioned Sparta and ancient Sparta. Hitler said something along the lines of racial dominance, comparing the rule of 600 Spartans over the helot population of 350,000 helots.

We the new slaves

I know that we the new slaves I’m ‘bout to wild the fuck out I’m going Bobby Bouchet! – Kanye

So what is very interesting is Sparta, the military state, essentially elite Spartans ruling over a huge mass of helots, who are essentially serfs, or low-key slaves. The helots did the dirty work like agriculture and farming, tilling the land etc.

One of the theories about the word helot means it means “haliskomai—“— to be captured, made a prisoner. Or the village of Helos, which was captured by the Spartans?

For the love of money?

Let us say that you have the perfect apartment, the best of interior design decor and quality of materials, and live in the most desirable neighborhood in your local or your city. You have zero interest in ever buying or purchasing property or a home, whether it be a condominium, townhome, single-family home, duplex triplex whatever.

Helot etymology

The etymology of the word “helot” is quite intriguing and reflects a deep historical context. It originates from Ancient Greece, specifically within the region of Sparta. The term “helot” referred to a class of serfs or slaves who were owned by the state and primarily used by the Spartans.

Historically, the helots were originally free Greeks, particularly from the region of Laconia and Messenia, who were conquered by the Spartans and subsequently reduced to a servile status. This transformation into state-owned serfs was a cornerstone of the Spartan social and economic system, supporting their military-focused society.

The exact origin of the word “helot” is somewhat unclear. One theory suggests that it might be derived from the Greek verb “ἁλίσκομαι” (haliskomai), meaning “to be captured, to be made a prisoner”. This derivation would directly reflect the helots’ status as conquered peoples. Another theory posits that the name could be related to the village of Helos, located in Laconia, which was known to have been subdued by the Spartans and its inhabitants reduced to serfdom.

In either case, the term “helot” came to symbolize not just the specific class of Spartan serfs, but also the broader concept of subjugation and state-controlled servitude in Ancient Greece. This historical context provides a rich tapestry for philosophical exploration, particularly in terms of power dynamics, societal structures, and the nature of freedom and servitude. For someone interested in philosophy and the evolution of societal systems, the story of the helots offers a compelling case study of how economic and social imperatives can shape and define human relations.