Why is it that if one vegetarian shows up to a party… suddenly *everyone* must become vegetarian?

However if one carnivore (me) shows up to a party and I say I don’t eat anything which is a non-animal product (bread, starches, pasta, salads, vegetables etc)— not everyone will be converted to becoming a carnivore?

Vegetarians are a funny category

Vegans — everyone knows they’re weird. So vegans always pack their own meals and whatever. But vegetarians are addicted to dairy, cheese, pizza — so then it means everyone must eat a cheese pizza, pasta whatever.

Veg or non-veg?

Super funny in India — the norm is to be vegetarian. To be “non-veg” is the anomaly.

Also hard to find beef in India… unless you go to one of these uber-elite British colonial country clubs, where you can enjoy your beef steak and beef hamburger in private!