Mao Zedong quotes

Hmm — to point 1… how would Mao think about the modern day insanely rich mainland Chinese with the Rolls Royce?

Mao Zedong, a central figure in the Chinese Communist Revolution and the founding father of the People’s Republic of China, is known for various quotes that reflect his ideological beliefs and leadership style. Here are some of his notable quotes:

  1. “People say that poverty is bad, but in fact poverty is good. The poorer people are, the more revolutionary they are. It is dreadful to imagine a time when everyone will be rich… From a surplus of calories people will have two heads and four legs.” oai_citation:1,TOP 25 QUOTES BY MAO ZEDONG (of 287) | A-Z Quotes.
  2. “Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent.”
  3. “Politics is war without blood, while war is politics with blood.”
  4. “Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun.” oai_citation:2,Mao Zedong Quotes (Author of Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung).
  5. “In waking a tiger, use a long stick.”
  6. “In general, any form of exercise, if pursued continuously, will help train us in perseverance. Long-distance running is particularly good training in perseverance.”
  7. “Despise the enemy strategically, but take him seriously tactically.” oai_citation:3,Mao Zedong Quotes – BrainyQuote.
  8. “If we cannot reach the Long Wall we are not true men. On my fingers I count the twenty thousand li we have already marched. On the summit of Liupan the west wind lazily ripples our red banner. Today we have the long rope in our hands. When will we tie up the gray dragon of the seven stars?” oai_citation:4,Mao Zedong (150+ Sourced Quotes) – Lib Quotes.

These quotes offer insight into Mao’s perspectives on revolution, politics, and warfare. They reflect his belief in the transformative power of poverty and struggle, his view of chaos as an opportunity, and his emphasis on strategic thinking in both military and political contexts.